Saber Interactive and Boss Team Games in collaboration with Metro Goldwyn Mayer have recently released Evil Dead The Game Army of Darkness update.
Evil Dead The Game Army of Darkness Update
The popular co-op PvP/PvE multiplayer action game is finally getting the Evil Dead The Game Army of Darkness update. This adds a new map featuring Castle Kandar, the setting of the classic MGM film Army of Darkness, two new weapons, new premium cosmetics, and a new single-player Exploration mode. These are all free to acquire for owners of the game. It is now available on PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via the Epic Games Store.
Castle Kandar and More
Fans of Evil dead will easily recognize the numerous locations on the Army of Darkness map like Castle Kandar, which has been recreated in vivid detail. Other familiar locations are the iconic Windmill, the Arthurian Outpost, Fort Gort, and the Castle Kandar Keep, which held the Necronomicon during the attempted siege by the army of darkness.
Two New Weapons
Aside from the free map, players will be able to fight with two new free weapons which are the Mace and the Explosive Crossbox. The Mace is a slow and powerful close-range weapon while the Explosive Crossbow is slow to reload but has a blast effect.
Explore the World
With the Evil Dead The Game Army of Darkness update, exploration mode allows players to experience Castle Kandar by exploring it and as well as the other maps in the game entirely on their own. Free roam across all the vast locations and learn the lay of the land while training the skills in slaying Deadites.
Two New Outfits and Medieval Bundle
Players can now purchase two new Ash outfits from Army of Darkness the Ash Williams S-Mart Employee Outfit and the Ash Williams Gallant Knight Outfit. The Medieval Bundle is also available that includes the new outfits for Lord Arthur and Henry the Red with the gold getup for Evil Ash and his minions.
Check out the inclusions:
- Henry The Red’s Scottish Vibe Outfit
- Lord Arthur’s Battle Prep Outfit
- Spoil those Survivors’ good looks in style with the Gilded Attire costume pack for the Necromancer Demon army, including Evil Ash, along with a new Screamer jump scare image for the Necromancer Demon.
The Ash S-Mart Employee Outfit and the Gallant Knight Outfit are now available for only $2.99 each. The Medieval Bundle is only $7.99 and will be included in the Evil Dead The Game’s Season Pass 1.

Evil Dead The Game is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Press Release