The Swindling Seminar is one of many minigames that players can encounter in FF7 Rebirth. Players can access this during Chapter 8, and your goal is to find out which of Conniving Caglio’s students is telling the truth based of various statements. Completing the minigame will get you Sylkis Greens, a type of feed that is important for Piko the Chocobo’s health and performance in Chocobo Racing.
Read ahead for a list of all the dialogue answers that solves each aspiring swindler’s truths and lies in FF7 Rebirth.
On this page:
Swindling Seminar Location in FF7 Rebirth

The Swindling Seminar minigame can be found in Corel Prison’s Dustbowl. Players can talk to Conniving Caglio near the entrance to the underground fighting arena (see map above for the exact location).
How the Swindling Seminar Minigame Works in FF7 Rebirth

Caglio challenges players to identify which among his five pupils is telling the truth. Each pupil either states one truth and one lie. Simply interact with them to listen to their statements.
Also, Conniving Caglio will give you a map that marks the locations that connects to the pupils’ statements. You have the option to visit each given location and check if it’s either true or not.
Once confident, return to Caglio, pay 500 gil, and make your guess by selecting the pupil you believe is telling the truth.
All Swindling Seminar Answers in FF7 Rebirth

Here are the details about each pupil’s truth and lies:
- Thirsty Usain
- Truths: Bail Jumper’s drinks are watered down; Bail Jumper’s special drink is called Sunshine.
- Lies: The claims about not watering down drinks and being the only bar selling Cosmo Canyons are false.
- Knucklehead Toya
- Truths: The weapons shop sells elixirs; there are no loud noises in the shop.
- Lies: Claims about the shop’s noise level and selling potions are incorrect.
- Sloppy Shawn
- Truths: Gus’s autobiography is titled “Meditations on the Outlaw Life”; the book is in stock.
- Lies: Claims about the book not being in stock and the suggestion to check “Meditations on the Underling Life” are false.
- Squinty Rachel
- Truth: Stamp graffiti is present on the walls at Gus’s crib.
- Lie: The claim about del Sol cactuar graffiti in Gus’s crib is a lie.
- Blowhard Georgie
- Truth: The special monster is called Test 0.
- Lies: Names like Bug 0 and Type 0 for the rare monster are lies.
Note that the dialogues will be randomized and will not be the same for all players. Additionally, making a wrong answer will restart the challenge and change the dialogues, so make sure you browse through all the pupils before making a choice on who’s telling the truth.