Game company Square Enix recently revealed an announcement in regards to popular classic JRPG Final Fantasy IX having physical Nintendo Switch copies.

The post was recently sighted on Square Enix Asia’s official Facebook page recently. It showed the official release date, which is November 27, but after a few minutes it was taken down for some reason. The game company never made a statement in regards of why they took it down.
According to the post that NintendoSoup has screengrabbed before Square Enix deleted the original, the physical copy will include language support for English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. The physical copy is real, and it can be pre-ordered and imported via Play-Asia right now. The retailer does not have a definite release date on the page though.
Final Fantasy IX Nintendo Switch physical copies may or may not launch on November 27. Hopefully the pulled announcement was true though. The game is now available in digital form on the Nintendo eShop.
Source: NintendoSoup