Big Announcement Not Related to Final Fantasy VII Possibly Confirming Old Leak?

Will the big leak in 2021 finally get confirmed?!

A new big announcement that has nothing to do with Final Fantasy VII Remake might just confirm a very old leak.

Way back in 2021, the Nvidia GeForce Now streaming device had a very huge leak that included possible upcoming games coming to PC. Two of them included popular classic titles coming to modern platforms and possibly getting big improvements and new content.

Today, Final Fantasy Producer Yoshinori Kitase was delivering his New Year message talking about the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth development and asking everyone to support Yoshi-P for the upcoming launch of Final Fantasy XVI. He also stated that FFVII Rebirth development is now picking up speed and teased what might be included.

In the last part of the announcement, Kitase then teased that there will be a bib announcement unrelated to Final Fantasy VII that he could not say anything about just yet. He then assured everyone that they will make sure 2023 will be an exciting year for the fans.

Now we go back to the big leak two years ago. Included in that leak were a remake Final Fantasy IX and another very popular classic, Final Fantasy Tactics in a remastered version. Square Enix has kept silent about this, but hopefully later this year, the big announcement Kitases promised would finally confirm these two titles.

Former News Editor