Fortnite To Have Another Battle Royale Mode For a Limited Time

The ever-so-popular Fortnite will have another Battle Royale Mode for a limited time only. Unlike last time where 100 players are split apart into a massive group of two against each other, this mode will place you into a group of 20 players to face off against another 4 groups of 20 players.

This new game mode is set to launch tomorrow and will be available until the end of the week. There will be a patch update that you will need to download in order to access this mode.

However, there’s more to be excited about. This isn’t the only mode that will be added to Fortnite. Epic Games is planning to add even more modes into the game in the future. Just last month, the developers revealed that they are planning on to introduce Blitz Mode which is a new take on the 50 vs 50 mode we got previously.

Source: Epic Games (Youtube)

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