In Hades 2, the Fated List of Minor Prophecies is a list of tasks that you can complete to earn rewards. Completing these prophecies unlocks various rewards, including nectar, crafting materials used for incantations, and upgrades among others.
The Fated List of Minor Prophecies in Hades 2 is unlocked via the Fated Intervention Incantation and an encounter with Moros, unlike the first Hades where The Fated List of Minor Prophecies was unlocked by purchasing it from the House Contractor in the House of Hades.
How To Unlock the Fated List of Minor Prophecies in Hades 2?
To unlock the Fated List of Minor Prophecies in Hades 2, you’ll first need to acquire the Fated Intervention Incantation, which becomes available at the Crossroads Cauldron. You will need the following materials for the Incantation:
- 2 Ash
- 2 Moly
- 1 Silver
Cast this Incantation during a run. After a run, or upon your next defeat, you’ll encounter Moros, Doom Incarnate Harbinger of Prophecies. Moros will give you the Fated List of Minor Prophecies near Melinoe’s tent, setting you on a path of challenges ordained by the Fates themselves.
All Hades 2 Fated List of Minor Prophecies and Rewards

The following table lists every Fated List prophecy, how to fulfill it, and its corresponding reward.
Prophecy | Conditions | Reward |
Harbinger of Doom | Summon Moros once more using the Doomed Beckoning incantation. | 1 Nectar |
Temporary Setback | Beat Chronos at the end of the underworld route. | 1,000 Bones |
Master of the Sea | Receive every one of Poseidon’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
The Witch’s Staff | Try out every Daedalus enchantment for the Witch’s Staff. | 250 Bones |
Shadow of Death | Defeat every miniboss in the Underworld. | 5 Fate Fabric |
Note to Self | Clear 3 Forget-Me-Nots that you set yourself. | 25 Psyche |
Weight in Gold | Redeem items at the Wretched Broker that cost 5 Charon’s Gold Rewards in total. | 10 Deathcap |
Valued Customer | Purchase every type of Boon from the Wells of Charon at least once. | 60 Psyche |
Tools of the Unseen | Unlock all four tools. | 40 Ash |
Witch of the Crossroads | Defeat Hecate in Erebus. | 1 Fate Fabric |
Family In Need | Meet Hermes and Artemis. | 10 Silver |
Blades of Pure Silver | Unlock the Sister Blades | 1 Moly |
The Invoker | Cast 10 incantations. | 25 Psyche |
Mindful Craft | Increase your Grasp to 14. | 2 Nightshade Seeds |
Keeper of Shadows | Reveal 30 entries in the Book of Shadows. | 120 Bones |
Awakened Aspect | Raise any weapon to Rank 5. | 3 Star Dust |
Combined Might | Receive every Duo Boon in the game. | 3,000 Bones |
Customary Gift | Give 5 Nectar as gifts. | 10 Ash |
Denier of Suitors | Receive every possible Boon from Narcissus during a run. | 250 Bones |
Major Arcana | Fully upgrade 3 Arcana cards. | 100 Ash |
Master of Daybreak | Receive every one of Apollo’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Master of Swiftness | Receive every one of Hermes’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Master of the Dead | Receive every possible Boon from Hades during a run. | 250 Bones |
Master of the Forge | Receive every one of Hephaestus’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Master of the Gods | Receive every one of Zeus’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Melinoe, Help Us | Locate the Fates. We do not know if this is possible in this version of the game. | 3 Nightmare |
Mistress of Flame | Receive every one of Hestia’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Mistress of Ice | Receive every one of Demeter’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Mistress of Love | Receive every one of Aphrodite’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Mistress of the Hunt | Receive every one of Artemis’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Mistress of Wedlock | Receive every one of Hera’s Boons across all of your runs. | 400 Bones |
Natural Talent | Defeat Hecate with no Arcana active. | 6 Moon Dust |
Precision Instruments | Upgrade every tool and cast the Observance of Gaia’s Secrets incantation. | 100 Ash |
Spectral Forms | Summon 100 Lone Shades by sprinting through them after casting the Necromantic Influence incantation. | 40 Psyche |
The Argent Skull | Try out every Daedalus enchantment for the Argent Skull. | 250 Bones |
The Moonstone Axe | Try out every Daedalus enchantment for the Moonstone Axe. | 250 Bones |
The Sister Blades | Try out every Daedalus enchantment for the Sister Blades. | 250 Bones |
The Umbral Flames | Try out every Daedalus enchantment for the Umbral Flames. | 250 Bones |
Visions of Victory | Discover the Pitch-Black Stone using the Abyssal Insight incantation. | 80 Bones |
Weaver of Fineries | Receive every possible outfit from Arachne during your runs. | 3 Fate Fabric |
Whim of Chaos | Complete 5 Chaos Trials through the Pitch-Black Stone. | 10 Moon Dust |
Wings of Freedom | Receive every possible Boon from Icarus during a run. | 250 Bones |
Witch of Changing | Receive every possible Boon from Circe during a run. | 250 Bones |
Progress through the Fated List of Minor Prophecies. The Fated List unveils more prophecies as you complete tasks and progress through the game. Some prophecies reveal their requirements upon encountering them, while others are hidden. Keep exploring the game, completing runs, and interacting with characters to uncover more prophecies.
**This is a work in progress, the game is still on early access, we will update the information as soon as new Prophecies are added.**