Halo Infinite December 15 Update Finally Fixes Unlock Issues in Campaign

A much needed update is here at last.

Featured Image Halo Infinite Achievements Not Unlocking

343 Industries has released the newest Halo Infinite December 15 update and it has finally fixed the issues of the campaign cosmetic and achievement unlocks.

The newest hotfix has been released after the launch of the campaign part of the game. This should address most of the issues that the first version of the game had especially the ones where the campaign armor unlocks were having problems syncing. This also fixed the Achievements not popping up despite completing them.

The December 15 Hotfix, as 343 Industries calls it, has now fixed a lot of problems. With the update, players who did not get the armor unlocks will be getting them now after installing the update. There is also the global fix where there are improvements to online service connections after re-entering the game using Quick Resume on Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Here is the full patch notes:


Starting with no existing Halo Infinite installation:

  • Installing Multiplayer only: approximately 26.53 GB
  • Installing both Multiplayer and Campaign: approximately 48.42 GB

If Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer Beta is already installed:

  • Multiplayer update only: approximately 3.97 GB
  • Campaign installation: additional download of approximately 25.86 GB
  • Total of both downloads: approximately 29.83 GB total


With this update, Halo Infinite Campaign is available on Windows PCs and Xbox consoles. Campaign can be purchased in-game, online or on a physical disc. PC players should ensure their graphics card drivers are up to date and ensure their PC meets minimum specifications. 

Many platforms automatically update games. The article How to update Halo Infinite has instructions for how to manually update your game or check if it is up to date.

We have a range of player guides and other support articles for Halo Infinite, including:


Many improvements come from Halo Insiders feedback and Halo Support tickets submitted by our community. Thank you for participating and please keep submitting tickets!

  • Local Area Network (LAN) multiplayer is now available. There is a known issue for LAN multiplayer:
    • Match settings changed in the Mode Editor still show as the defaults. The changed settings work as expected once the match begins.
  • Players with AMD Radeon RX 500 Series GPUs no longer experience crashes because Async Compute in Video Settings is turned on. 
    • Players who have turned off Async Compute because of this can now turn it back on.
  • If Halo Infinite is launched without an internet connection, players can connect to the internet while on the main menu and play online. 
    • This does not resolve all scenarios where the game is launched connected to the internet, later loses internet connection, and is stuck offline until the game is restarted.
  • When launching in windowed mode on Steam, the window shows correct borders.

December 14 Playlist and Service Update 

New Matchmaking playlists are being introduced: 

  • Team Slayer 
  • Free-For-All (FFA) Slayer 
  • Fiesta Slayer 
  • Tactical Slayer 

If you do not see these playlists in-game, close and re-launch Halo Infinite to ensure you’ve received the latest changes. The Matchmaking playlist menu scrolls as well, so ensure you’ve scrolled down to view all available options. 

Challenge changes: 

  • Easing or removal of some difficult Challenges 
  • Weekly Ultimate Challenges are now less intensive 
  • New Challenges specific to New Playlists added in this update 
  • New type of Challenge that rewards in-game Personal Score 

Event changes: 

  • More Event Challenges appear when an Event is active 

More information is available in Halo Waypoint News: Halo Infinite Playlist and Challenge Update.


The following issues were resolved by the December 15 Hotfix.


  • Improvements to online service connections after re-entering Halo Infinite using Quick Resume on Xbox Series X|S consoles. Players should see quicker and more stable reconnections to our services.


  • MJOLNIR Armor Locker customizations collected in Campaign are now consistently unlocked in the Multiplayer Customization menu.
    • Players who did not receive their customizations, either due to losing their internet connection or using Quick Resume on Xbox Series X|S consoles, should now have their customizations unlocked.
  • Xbox Achievement reliability has been improved in this update.
    • Achievements no longer track progress toward their completion, but will unlock as expected when their conditions are met.
    • If an Achievement’s conditions were met prior to this update but the Achievement did not unlock as completed yet, it should unlock after installing this update and continuing Campaign gameplay.

Download size

Starting with no existing Halo Infinite installation:

  • Installing Multiplayer only: approximately 26.54 GB
  • Installing both Multiplayer and Campaign: approximately 48.4 GB

If Halo Infinite is already installed:

  • Update only (all platforms): approximately 1 GB or less


Working with the developers, we have compiled a list of known issues. A few of the highest impact issues are:

  • When you purchase Halo Infinite Campaign in-game, there may be a delay of several minutes while the purchase is processed before you can play.
  • Equipment upgrades cannot be purchased in the Upgrades menu while using the Linear Navigation accessibility feature.
  • Fast travelling while dead may cause an endless load screen.
    • Workaround: Close Halo Infinite and reload the save game on the main menu.
  • Very rarely, players may be unable to progress the current mission. See Halo Infinite Campaign Known Issues for more details.
    • Workaround: Restart the mission.

For a full list of known issues for Halo Infinite, go to our Known Issues section.


When there is a balance change in future updates, Halo Support will include these in our release notes.

Halo Infinite is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor