It seems 343 Industries is going to go back on one of the promises they made for the Halo Infinite campaign mode with this new development.
Halo Infinite Local Co Op: All Hope is Lost
343 Industries promised months ago that in the near future, they will be introducing the most-awaited feature that everyone loved before Halo 5, split-screen co-op campaign. Halo 5 abandoned this feature, which was a controversial move. This motivated the developers and Microsoft to promise its future comeback. The devs will be breaking that promise now, unfortunately as it is abandoning its plans to add split-screen campaign co-op on Halo Infinite.
Abandoning Split Screen
In a new developer update by 343 Industries, it was confirmed that Halo Infinite Forge mode and campaign co-op will both launch this coming November 8, 2022. There was a caveat in that announcement, which was that the campaign co-op will be online only. There will be no split-screen option, which was supposedly promised to the fans previously.
Leave Local Co Op, Focus on Feedback and Updates
Their reason for this move? The developers wanted to focus more on supporting the game’s live service elements, which will now free up resources to address player feedback and work on updates.
This will definitely split the Halo community when word comes out.

Halo Infinite is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.