Have a Nice Death Infrastructure Development Update Out Now

More updates are planned over the Summer

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The first major content update for Have a Nice Death is finally out, announced developer Magic Design Studios. After a slight two week delay, the Infrastructure Development Update includes an exciting new rewards system that unlocks bonuses for the most skilled players, and full access to Modern War Department (aka World 5), added spells, Thanagers (mini-bosses) to destroy, plus a host of improvements fixing issues that our players have reported in the first month of development.

You can see all additions added to Have a Nice Death by watching the Update’s trailer below.

Have a Nice Death New Content

World 1

  • New environment:
    • Explore the Death, Inc. garden
  • New Thanager:
    • Leon Clean – Janitorial Thanager: Leon is the custodial engineer responsible for keeping the Hall of Eternity spotless. Watch out for his deadly vacuum which projects deadly trash.

World 2

  • 2 new Thanagers:
    • X4-HĀ – Uncontrollable Production Management Mutagen: X4-H is a dangerous mutagen with uncontrollable saliva who has taken over the Industrial Pollution Department.
    • Richard J. BarronĀ – Actuary Thanager, Climate-Skepticism Tycoon:Ā In a former life, Richard was a crooked oil tycoon who profited from fossil fuel.

World 5

  • Full Access to Department of Modern Warfare:
    • Extended level design and floors: Discover The Modern Warfare Department, a veritable battlefield of Death Inc. intramuros. It is a cut-throat world that brings together all mortals deployed from the First World War to present day, in terms of tactics and military technology. In other words, it goes BOOM and BANG in all directions, as terror rains down for Major Warren Pliskhan, the scourge responsible for this chaos.Ā 
  • 3 new enemies:
    • Roaster: Keep your distance from this fire-breathing pyro, otherwise he will release his fists of fury or engulf you in a wall of flames.
    • Bombaron: Look up to the sky. Itā€™s not a bird, but it is a plane – ready to blow you up.Ā  Watch out for aerial attacks from Bombaron, who can bombard you with explosives from her nimble warplane
    • Caderact: Beware this wandering cadet. He may seem a bit short-sighted, but heā€™s armed with homing missiles that are locked onto Death.
  • New Thanager:
    • Camille FlageĀ – A living weapon: She may appear somewhat slow, but she is a fury unleashed and will ambush you with her cat-like vertical attacks. This starved siren also provides the Major and his troops with camouflage, giving them the advantage over their enemies.

New Spells

  • 5 new spells:
    • Firescreamer
    • Soul Razor
    • Focus
    • Bulimia Burst
    • X4-Cyst
Have a Nice Death Infrastructure Development Update 01

New Features

  • Jocelynā€™s Contracts –Ā A lobby challenge:
    • Meet Jocelyn, Death Incorporatedā€™s elevator, who offers a series of exciting challenges in between runs. Each challenge unlocks an instant bonus, such as a new weapon or spell. However, some challenges have a set requirement — failure to complete this task will lead to a major consequence, like less health, less mana, and much more.Ā 
  • Breakroom Upgrades:
    • Visit the new water coolerĀ in the breakroom, where you can trade Soulary in for Anima to restore health.
    • There’s also a new vending machineĀ where you can randomly score a new item or take damage if the machine is broken.
  • New Floor:
    • The Relaxation Area: If you need a break, you can visit the new lounge area where you can pick up a healing cup of Koffee for free and rest up.
  • Thanager & Sorrow generosity:
    • When defeating a Thanager, players will now gain an anima and when they defeat a Sorrow, they will gain an upgrade.
  • Some Thanagers received additional training and have learned new attacks:
    • Will Hung has 3 new attacks: two on the side of the screen with different patterns; and one in the center that takes up the full screen.
    • Slyma has 1 new attack: projectiles can now be placed at the bottom of the arena.
    • Candice has 2 new attacks: one where she teleports to the middle and attacks left or right; and one where she teleports on the player, pretends to hit them and then teleports above.
  • Anima Mix:
    • If the player has 3 regular anima and obtains another one, the next anima obtained will be fused and gives the player an upgraded Yellow anima.
  • AddedĀ +150 lines of dialog (NPC and Boss fight)

Let it be noted that there are some bugs/known issues players need to know about the update. You can check the specifics here. There are also some “Quality of Death” Improvements and bug fixes you might want to check out.

Have a Nice Death is currently in Steam Early Access. More updates are planned for this Summer.

Source: Have a Nice Death Steam

Senior Editor