Hogwarts Legacy Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest walkthrough

How to complete the Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Crossed Wands Round 3 cover

Crossed Wands: Round 3 is one of the side quests that players can complete in Hogwarts Legacy. This is the final round of the Crossed Wands tournament and whoever wins this match will be crowned as the duelling champion.

Read ahead as we go through the steps on how to complete the Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

How to unlock Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest

To unlock the Hogwarts Legacy Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest, you must first complete the Tomes and Tribulations main quest. Afterwards, talk to Lucan again at the Clock Tower to start the side quest.

Crossed Wands: Round 3 objectives:

  • Talk to Lucan Brattleby

Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest Walkthrough

Crossed Wands Round 3 side quest Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy

Talk to Lucan Brattleby

Talk to Lucan once more at the Clock Tower to join in the final round of the duelling match. Like before, he will ask you if you want to duel with a partner or go solo in the match.

For this match, you will be duelling against four opponents: one using a violet shield, one using yellow, and two using red shields. Your choice for a partner will still be between Sebastian Sallow or Natsai Onai. Either one of them will be a viable pick for this match, but you may want to consider going for Sebastian as he has Damage spells that can prove effective for dispelling the red shields.

Alternatively, you may want to have these spells prepared for the battle:

  • Accio
  • Levioso
  • Incendio
  • Confringo
Crossed Wands Round 3 side quest Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy

Since you’ll be fighting against four opponents at once, it’s best to be on your feet and prepare for any attacks from the side. This is where mastering your Protego timing is key to staying alive in the match. Casting Protego before a spell hits you will deflect the spell back to the attacker.

You’ll know if an opponent is preparing to cast a spell on you once you see a yellow halo around your head. Once the halo shrinks, you’ll get hit with the spell. Cast a Protego while the halo is still up to deflect the spell back to the opponent, potentially breaking their shield or dealing damage to them.

In case you are undertaking Professor Hecat’s assignment, this match is also a good place to complete it in one go as you can also dodge the spells instead of deflecting them. Instead of casting Protego once a halo appears, do a dodge roll to avoid getting hit by a spell.

Using Levioso or Confringo during the fight will help lessen the pressure of dealing with multiple opponents as Levioso will disable the target for a few moments, while Confringo can deal AoE damage to surrounding opponents.

Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2

Before taking on this side quest, it’s best to start the Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2 main quest first. In this quest, you’ll be tasked to do 10 successful dodge rolls and burn 5 opponents using the Incendio skill. Both of these tasks can be completed within the match, but if it’s proving to be difficult, the assignment can still be done through other duels.

Hogwarts Legacy Crossed Wands: Round 3 Rewards

You’ll receive the following for completing the side quest:

  • 180 XP
  • Crossed Wands Champions Garb

Check out this video by FP Good Game showing how to complete the Crossed Wands: Round 3 side quest in Hogwarts Legacy:

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