How to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor Early?

Find out if it's possible to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor early and explore Cal's new journey ahead of time.

You could be looking to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor early. With bigger worlds to explore, Cal’s new lightsaber stances, and a stronger Empire to fight, a lot of people are eager to play the game early and are looking for ways to do so. As such, this begs the question, Is it possible to look for a way to experience Cal’s new journey ahead of time?

Read on as we talk about whether you can play Star Wars Jedi Survivor early and how to do so if possible.

Can you play Star Wars Jedi Survivor Early?

There is no way to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor early. Only those who have received a review copy from EA or Respawn Entertainment will be able to play the game ahead of time.

While some games do offer an early access bonus for those who pre-order, Star Wars Jedi Survivor only offers cosmetics if you pre-purchase it ahead of time. We were able to play the game a little earlier than most people thanks to a review copy provided by EA themselves. Everyone else has to wait until April 28, 2023, to be able to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor will officially launch at 12 a.m. EST on its April 28th release day. People on the west coast will technically get the game on April 27th, but will be able to play it at 9 a.m. PT, which is the same time as 12 a.m. EST on April 28th.

Can You Play Star Wars Jedi Survivor Early With New Zealand Trick?

You can’t use the New Zealand trick to play Star Wars Jedi Survivor early. The region is set to play the game at a later date to match the rest of the world.

Some gamers have become a bit wiser to the fact that New Zealand has an earlier time zone. Some games have a tendency to release in New Zealand early, so if you purchase a copy of the game in the country or use a VPN, you could potentially play the game ahead of time. However, it seems EA has caught on to this little trick and has ensured that everyone plays at the same time.

This explains whether you can play Star Wars Jedi Survivor early. To know how we think about the game, also check out our Star Wars Jedi Survivor – Review.

Senior Editor