The Time Crash copy ability is a new upgrade to an existing ability that Kirby can now use in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. In its basic form, it already is truly powerful, capable of wiping out small enemies in the screen in one explosion, and can also deal massive damage to bosses. As for its upgraded form, it gives Kirby the power to slow down time for a few moments.
In this guide, we will look into how to get the Time Crash copy ability and how it can be used during Kirby’s journey.
What is the Time Crash copy ability?
The Time Crash copy ability is the upgraded form of the Crash copy ability. Aside from allowing Kirby to release a huge explosion, it is also powerful enough to break time and slow it down for a few moments.
Because of its immense power, Kirby can only use the ability once, after which Kirby will have to find another enemy to swallow that can give the Time Crash ability again.

Where to get the Time Crash blueprint in Kirby and the Forgotten Land?
In Wondaria Remains, as you are about to reach the end of the Invasion at the House of Horrors stage, pay attention to the wall on the left side of the platforms leading up to see a hole.

Hover towards this hole and you’ll enter a tunnel where you will get the Time Crash blueprint at the very end of it.

How to Upgrade to the Time Crash ability?
To Upgrade to the Time Crash ability in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, once you have the blueprint, you can visit the Waddle Dee’s Weapon Shop to upgrade the Crash ability into the Time Crash ability. The upgrade costs 1,200 Star Coins and 3 Rare Stones.
How to use the Time Crash ability in Kirby and the Forgotten Land?
To use the Time Crash ability in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, you can tap the B or attack button to unleash the Time Crash explosion and slow down the time of nearby enemies. The area affected by the slow down is shown as a bubble with a sepia tint. This bubble gradually shrinks back down, releasing anyone from the slow down effects. The ability is spent once it has been used up.
You can also do a charged attack by holding down the B or attack button to charge up before releasing it to do an explosion. Charging up the ability makes the slow down effect last longer.
In a particular Treasure Road challenge, you will have to unleash the Time Crash ability while constantly attacking enemies along the way as you go through the course. Each time Kirby defeats an enemy this way, the slow down effect extends by a little bit.

Time Crash Ability Locations in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
These are the stages that have enemies that can give the Time Crash ability:
- Concrete Isles
- Invasion of the House of Horrors
- Metro on Ice
- Conquer the Inferno Road
- Gathering of the Beast Council
If you need the Time Crash ability but there are no enemies that give it in the area, you can try doing the Copy Ability Mix by swallowing two different abilities at the same time, although the result is randomly selected from the abilities that you have already unlocked.
To try the mix, make sure that you spit out your current ability on the ground next to a different ability, and then make Kirby inhale them both at the same time.
Time Crash Retention Glitch
A YouTuber named KujaNiv100 (reddit: Marakuja9) may have discovered a game-changing glitch when using the Time Crash copy ability wherein the ability can be used once more after doing certain actions.
Because of how powerful the Time Crash ability is, it has been designed to be just a one-time use per pickup. That means, Kirby will lose the Time Crash hat after using its special ability and will have to find another one to use its ability once again.
But as seen in the video below, it appears that certain animations can prevent the hat from blipping out of existence. In the video’s case, Kirby picked up a Gotcha capsule just as the hat was supposed to disappear.
Aside from the action shown in the video, according to the reddit thread created by user, the glitch can be triggered by doing the following actions:
- Going to another area via a Warp Star or a door
- Going into any of the Mouthful Modes
- Finishing a stage and reaching the last cage
We have yet to see any other recorded reproduction of this glitch from the user and from other players to fully confirm it and we’re also trying to test it on our end, too. The video also did not show if the hat can really be used once again or if it’s just a graphical glitch. But if this is a glitch that fully works and can be reliably reproduced, this would be something very useful for speedrunners to take advantage of.
If you like this guide, check out our other Kirby and the Forgotten Land articles:
- Kirby and the Forgotten Land Release Date and Preorder Bonuses
- Kirby and the Forgotten Land Bosses
- Kirby and the Forgotten Land amiibo – How to Use & Rewards
- How Long to Beat Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- Is Kirby and the Forgotten Land Multiplayer? Co-Op Guide
- How to Beat Gorimondo Boss Fight in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- How to Beat Clawroline Boss Fight in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- How to Beat Tropic Woods Boss Fight in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- How to Beat King Dedede Boss Fight in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- Kirby And The Forgotten Land All Copy Ability Blueprint Locations & Evolutions List
- How to Unlock Waddle Dee Cafe in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Check out this video by LinkSnipes showcasing the Time Crash ability through a Treasure Road: