Marvel’s Avengers Spider Man Trailer Shows His Friendliness with His Allies

The wall crawler is as friendly as ever!

Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have released the first Marvel’s Avengers Spider Man trailer for its collaboration DLC exclusively on PlayStation consoles.

marvel's avengers spider man trailer

The new trailer is all CGI, but it does give PlayStation fans what to expect of the upcoming wall-crawling hero when he gets introduced into the Marvel’s Avengers game on November 30, 2021 in a new update. He will also come with the new Spider Man: With Great Power Hero Event that offers an exclusive storyline of Spider Man fighting together with the rest of the Avengers.

The video starts with Spider Man tracking a truck with very suspicious guards. It seems they are human traffickers, but what they are trafficking are not simply humans, but Inhumans. He quickly dispatches the guards with his awesome Spidey moves, but soon enough the rest of the villain crew arrive, which seems to be from AIM.

Peter Parker was almost out of ideas and wanted to do one last attempt to get out of this big mess when all of a sudden some of the AIM soldiers got blown off. It seems the Avengers team have come to save the day and support Spidey on taking down these baddies. At the end of the video, he shows some super-friendly moves together with the Avengers members and also trying to correct Hulk of saying his hero name. Yes, he is Spider Man, not just Spider.

Marvel’s Avengers is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Spider Man is an exclusive DLC character for the PlayStation consoles, but hopefully he will be available on other platforms in the near future. He will be available for download together with the upcoming November 30 Update.

Former News Editor