CAPCOM has now announced that Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is finally on more platforms.
After its success on PC via Steam, and Nintendo Switch Lite, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is out now on more platforms. It was revealed that it is available globally on PC via Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5. This new expansion builds upon every aspect of the base game and now transports them to a new location, the faraway lands of Kingdom where they will experience a new storyline, battle new monsters, master new combat options, explore new locales, conquer the Master Rank quest difficulty, and more.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak takes place following the heroic defense of Kamura Village in Monster Hunter Rise. News of the village’s survival inspires the gallant knight Dame Fiorayne to travel from the distant Kingdom seeking aid. Hunters brave enough to answer the call set out for the port of Elgado Outpost. This research center and Command Post is responsible for stopping the threat befalling the Kingdom.

The top of the target list includes powerful creatures inspired by staples of Western horror, known as the Three Lords. This cadre includes the conjoined elemental powerhouse Garangolm, the chilling Fanged Wyvern Lunagaron, and the vampiric Elder Dragon Malzeno. In addition to these nightmarish foes, there are new monster variants and returning fan-favorites, including Scorned Magnamalo, Espinas, and Shagaru Magala, all emerging to challenge hunters in the added Master Rank quest difficulty.
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch with all of the post-release content up to Free Title Update 3.
Source: Press Release