Game publisher Playstack and developer Cold Symmetry recently announced that upcoming video game Mortal Shell will launch this month after great feedback from fans.

After the great response from the Beta version of the game, which was downloaded by more than 350,000 players in one week and surpassed more than 6 million views across Twitch and YouTube, the developers are proud to announce that the dark action-PG will now be available in digital stores worldwide on Aug. 18. It will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Epic Games Store. Steam will have its version sometime next year.
The new release date was revealed in a new trailer, which showcases the game’s ranged weapon, the Ballitstazooka. It has the ability to launch heavy iron bolts at devastating speeds and powerful enough to impale enemies and pin them onto nearby structures. The video also shows a preview of the enemies, landscapes, and the fourth Shell Solomon.
Mortal Shell is priced at $29.99 on Epic Games Store, PlayStation Store, and Xbox Games Store. The PC version of the game at Epic Games Store is a timed-exclusive thing.
“Launching Mortal Shell worldwide is a dream come true,” said Cold Symmetry’s four co-founders-Andrew McLennan-Murray, Anton Gonzalez, Dmitry Parkin, and Vitaly Bulgarov – in a joint statement. “Our commitment to our fans is to create a soulslike game that is authentic, uncompromising and unrelenting. We were humbled by the popularity of the beta and we closely studied the feedback we received to create something that we are incredibly proud of.”
Playstack chief executive Harvey Elliott added:
Mortal Shell is already achieving the kind of pre-release metrics that would turn heads at any publisher, be it indie or triple-A. I am delighted that Playstack has delivered a publishing and marketing campaign that ensures the game gains the exposure and response it truly deserves. More than anything I can’t wait for fans around the world to finally play it from August 18th.
Official Website here.
Source: Press Release
Check out the Release Date Trailer here: