My Friendly Neighborhood: All Endings (Good, Bad, Secret, and True Ending)

This guide talks about the different endings of My Friendly Neighborhood and how to unlock them.

My Friendly Neighborhood Endings cover

My Friendly Neighborhood is the newest survival horror game that follows the story of a handyman named Gordon who was sent to disable the antenna of a shut-down studio after it mysteriously started broadcasting again. What Gordon wasn’t expecting was that his simple overnight job was going to be deadlier than the occupational hazards he signed up for.

Read ahead as we look through all of the endings of My Friendly Neighborhood and talk about how to unlock the secret ending and the true ending of the game.

My Friendly Neighborhood Good Ending

My Friendly Neighborhood Good Ending

To get the good ending of the game, you will have to defeat at least one of the bosses of the game and complete your job. Then once you finally make it outside of the building, Ricky will ask you if you want to stay with them to help run the show back in order. Select Yes to his offer to trigger the good ending scene.

In the good ending scene, we are shown Gordon’s TV back in his flat, showing episodes of the Friendly Neighborhood. Gordon is also talking about how he managed to help the show to get a slot back on TV and get signed to three channels.

However, Gordon eventually stopped showing up to help the show as time passed by, and he decided to go back to living his old life. He also expresses that he sometimes finds himself still thinking about the Neighborhood. It is a good ending for the Neighbors, but it was a sort of depressing ending for Gordon.

My Friendly Neighborhood Bad Ending

My Friendly Neighborhood Bad Ending

To get the bad ending of the game, you will have to defeat at least one of the bosses of the game and complete your job. Then once you finally make it outside of the building, Ricky will ask you if you want to stay with them to help run the show back in order. Select No to his offer to trigger the bad ending scene.

In the bad ending scene, we are shown Gordon’s TV showing an interview similar to the one shown in the start of the game. Gordon talks about how he got promoted to a manager after his company became so happy about his successful job at MFN.

Despite this, Gordon still found himself wondering about what happened to the Neighborhood and he was hoping that they would turn up again during late night TV, but to his dismay, they didn’t. Although it was still a good ending for Gordon, he still ended up in a bleak depressive state.

My Friendly Neighborhood Secret Ending

My Friendly Neighborhood Secret Ending

To get the secret ending, you will have to leave the studio’s compound without completing the job of disabling the antenna. You simply have to walk back to your truck and decide to leave the studio.

In the secret ending scene, we are shown Gordon’s TV showing the interview still getting disrupted as its signal is being interfered by MFN’s broadcasting of the Friendly Neighborhood. Gordon also talks about how he got fired from his job and decides to be unemployed rather than to go back to the MFN building.

Despite this, Gordon still watches the nightly news to see if any new progress came up when it came to MFN’s interfering broadcast, but nothing did. With the problem still unsolved and with Gordon now without a job, we can also consider this as the worst ending.

My Friendly Neighborhood True Ending

My Friendly Neighborhood True Ending 1

To get the true ending, you will have to help all the Neighbors and spare them as you complete your job and make it out of the compound. You will also have to agree to help the Neighbors run their show again once Ricky asks for you to stay. Defeating even one boss will default you back into the Good Ending of the game. Bosses can be spared by completing their side quests which are usually non-violent ways of resolving the bosses’ issues.

My Friendly Neighborhood True Ending 2

In the true ending scene, we are shown Gordon’s TV showing the Friendly Neighborhood back on air. Gordon also talked about how he got fired from his job because of his involvement with the show’s revival, but he still felt hopeful about it now that he felt like he found his true purpose with the Neighbors.

Staff Writer