The Only Way Out is Through is a quest in Nightingale where Agatha Harris requires help in furthering her research by obtaining higher tiered materials in the Ascended realms. Read ahead as we go through the steps on how to complete the Keep the Beasts at Bay quest in Nightingale.
How to unlock “The Only Way Out is Through” quest
To unlock The Only Way Out is Through quest, you must complete the Keep the Beasts at Bay quest and accept Quatermain’s request to join the Explorers.
Learn about the research into the Pale

Find Agatha Harris who is near the door opposite to The Watch’s main entrance. She will then ask for your help in gathering materials for her research. In order to get these materials, you will need to go to the Ascended realms, which are the more challenging versions of the realms that you have visited.
Venture into the Ascended Realms

In order to get into the Ascended Realms, you must first craft an Excellent Enchanter’s Focus which is where you can craft the Ascended realm cards from. The Recipe for the focus has been given by Allan earlier and it will require the following materials:
- x2 Cut Gem
- x4 Carved Wood
- x2 Etched Ingot
On the focus, you can then craft an Ascended Antiquarian realm card using the following materials:
- x1 Coated Paper
- x1 Vibrant Ink
Afterwards, use the Ascended Antiquarian realm card with any biome card on a portal and travel to that realm.
Learn how to dive farther into the Ascended Realms

Once you’re in the Ascended Antiquarian realm, your next goal is to unlock the Astrolabe Ascended card. To unlock the card, locate the Essence Trader within the realm and purchase the Astrolabe Ascended Card recipe from them for x75 T3 Essence.
Find suitable resources for Agatha’s research
After purchasing the Astrolabe Ascended Card recipe, your next goal is to collect x25 T3 Essences. This can be done by going into the Major Vaults and clearing them out as the enemies and the vault rewards will give out T3 Essences.
Head back to Agatha after obtaining enough T3 Essences and hand them over to her. She will then tell you to report back to Quatermain.
Return to Quatermain

Talk to Quatermain to complete the quest and unlock the Never Meet Your Heroes Achievement. You will also be rewarded with the following items:
- x1 Webley Revolver Recipe
- x1 Charm (Charm of the Unstoppable)
- x1 Settler Apogean Card
- x3 Reinforced Leather (Fabled Achlis Deer)
- x6 Cut Gem (Emerald)
This concludes the main storyline quest of Nightingale. From here on, you can continue going into the rest of the Ascended Realms in the same order as before while increasing your gear score through crafting higher gear.
For more guides and walkthroughs, be sure to check out our main page for Nightingale.