No Man’s Sky has released a new expedition called Expedition 7: Leviathan which works very differently compared to the previous expeditions. In this expedition, Travellers will follow the trail of what seems to be a space whale across the galaxy. The main difference this time is that this expedition is on permadeath mode, which puts a lot more stress on staying alive.
In this guide, we will be talking about all the steps within Expedition 7: Leviathan and provide some tips on how to survive the journey.
Expedition 7: Leviathan Tips
We usually put the tips section at the end of a guide, but we feel that it’s necessary and more helpful to put it up front for this one. These are just some tips to prepare all you Travellers for the journey and dangers ahead:
- This game is on Permadeath mode. If you have not played No Man’s Sky on permadeath before, it’s not only about losing all your save file’s progress when your Traveller dies. You will also experience a more challenging gameplay due to these factors:
- Fauna and Sentinel are more aggressive
- Costs are increased, most obvious on goods that cost nanites
- Maximum inventory stacks are limited
- Speaking of limited inventory, you will be getting lots of rewards for completing milestones, and they include generous amounts of Inventory slots. You can still purchase additional inventory slots per usual, but you can live with just the free inventory.
- Connected to the inventory topic, there are milestones that can be completed ahead of their intended progression based on the expedition chart. Rewards for these milestones can be claimed, however be smart about doing this. Don’t claim rewards that provide materials if you are tight on inventory slots, but rather grab those that give you more inventory slots instead.
- Death is part of this expedition as it is one of the required events to complete a particular milestone. With that said, you can read ahead on the expedition chart and see most of the milestones and their requirements. Thankfully, the milestone that requires death happens in the first part of the expedition, so hold off from farming materials until you achieve this milestone.
- You are given a freighter on the get go, which can serve as additional inventory slots.
- Take everything in caution. Death can happen from as simple as fall damage to a collision bug. It is possible to finish the expedition without dying past the first required death. Trust us, we did it.

How long will No Man’s Sky Leviathan Expedition 7 last?
Expedition 7: Leviathan started on May 25, 2022 and will last for 6 weeks.
How to Complete No Man’s Sky Expedition 7: Leviathan
No Man’s Sky Expedition 7: Leviathan will be a different experience from the rest of the previous expeditions because this expedition is on permadeath mode, so once you die, you will lose all of your progress – sort of.
The saving grace here is that since this is a community expedition, you will still be able to contribute to the community’s progress through the several milestones which will unlock better tech upgrades that will help in sustaining the entire progress of the expedition as a whole.
This expedition is divided into five iterations, each iteration having their own set of milestones. As you progress through the milestones, rewards can be claimed from the expedition chart and some of them are crucial for your expedition’s progress.
Most of the rewards that you will get are Memory Fragments. These contain several kinds of tech upgrades, including ones that you usually get from the Anomaly. Because of the jacked up prices of the tech upgrades found in station, this is where you will get most of your early upgrades. You can also get inventory slot upgrades which usually provide 5 inventory slots per fragment, usable on any of your inventory pages.
Here’s the full No Man’s Sky Leviathan Expedition 7 walkthrough on quests, milestones and rewards:
Iteration One
You find yourself in the scorching planet of Christole Oich. Your first order of business, as per usual, is to look for your starship for protection.
- Remembrance
- A New Beginning?
- Observing the Cycle
- Iterate/Repeat
- Bounds Testing
- Anchor Point 1
- Wake the Past
1.1 Remembrance: Retrieve a past life.
This is the first Milestone for Iteration One where you will find a Memory Fragment in your inventory. Use it from your inventory like a regular consumable item to complete this milestone.
You will encounter a lot of these Memory Fragments in your journey, so use them as soon as possible as they can give you an advantage. Because of the roguelike aspect of this expedition, these Memory Fragments will get wiped along with the rest of your inventory when you die.
Remembrance rewards:
- Memory Fragment (Personal Weapon)

1.2 A New Beginning?: Reach your starship.
You’ll have to locate your starship within the planet. It is important that you locate your starship, board it, and then get off of it right away to create an automatic save. This way, you can progress with the Iterate/Repeat milestone properly.
A New Beginning? rewards:
- x5 Life Support Gel
- x8 Ion Battery
- x2 Starship Launch Fuel
- x3 Memory Fragment (Exosuit)

1.3 Observing the Cycle: Repair your starship to escape this world.
You will then have to repair your starship’s Launch Thruster and Pulse Engine. The catch: you don’t have the recipe to craft a Hermetic Seal to repair your Pulse Engine. This is where the Iteration/Repeat milestone comes into play.
Observing the Cycle rewards:
- x1 Memory fragment (Inventory)
- x225 Sodium
- Solar Ray Plans
1.4 Iterate/Repeat: Die. It is inevitable.
For this milestone, you will have to die. But first, make sure that you have already created a save file for this expedition, or else this milestone won’t get completed. The quickest way to die is to drop from a significant height.
Once you resurrect, you’ll have to do the first milestones again, but you will then be able to craft the Hermetic Seal to fully repair your ship. After repairing it, head out into space and summon the Anomaly.
Iterate/Repeat rewards:
- Hermetic Seal plans
- Base Computer Plans
- x2 Memory Fragment

1.5 Bounds Testing: Help Polo search for patterns in the loop.
Talk to Polo in the Anomaly and he will ask you help them understanding and progressing through this loop that you are going through. You will be asked to pick one out of these three missions:
- Loop Research: Liquid Sun
- Gather x250 Liquid Sun by using the Solar Ray to extract it from resource deposits.
- To craft the Solar Ray, you will need x50 Cobalt and x50 Magnetized Ferrite.
- Loop Research: Ancestral Memories
- Gather x200 Ancestral Memories from creatures after feeding them.
- Loop Research: Somnal Dust
- Gather x100 Somnal Dust from derelict freighters.
You will only need to complete one of these missions to complete the Milestone. On the other hand, these missions are repeatable and count towards the community expedition progress. Plus, each time that you deliver the mission items to Polo, you can get a random Memory Fragment as a reward.
The easiest one to fulfill is the Liquid Sun, followed by Ancestral Memories. Within the starting system is the Mezenus Uttsu planet where you can gather both materials. Once you’ve done one of them, you can claim the milestone rewards and get the Emergency Broadcast Receiver to look for derelict freighters if you wish to partake in the third mission.
Bounds Testing rewards:
- Pre-Packaged Hyperdrive Unit
- x1 Memory Fragment (Starship Weapon)
- Emergency Broadcast Receiver

1.6 Anchor Point 1: Reach the first anchor point.
Prepare your starship and fill up your warp drive as you will need to jump systems to reach the first Anchor Point. Simply follow the galactic map, and then follow the marker on the planet leading to the Anchor Point.
Anchor Point rewards:
- Memory Resonator Plans
- x2 Memory Fragment (Inventory)
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exosuit)

1.7 Wake the Past: Face your ghosts.
At this point, you will be tasked to construct the Memory Resonator using the following materials:
- x16 Ancestral Memories
- x40 Gold
- x30 Chromatic Metal
Then, use the Memory Resonator to locate nearby loop hotspots which will lead you to go to the planet Ennect. Once on the planet, look for the spot where the marker leads and then use your visor to locate the point of interest.
You will arrive at a grave that you can interact with. After going through the dialogue, prepare to get ambushed by Biological Horror. You can fight them if you have the firepower, but you can just also flee to the safety of your ship. After this, you’ll complete the milestone which will also complete Iteration One.
Wake the Past rewards:
- Memory Imprint I
- x3 Memory Fragment
- x250 Chromatic Metal

Iteration One completion rewards:
- Leviathan Poster plans
- The Loop Poster plans
- Timesplice Poster plans
You may choose to complete the optional milestone Cycle Observed by taking in more Loop Research missions until you reach the goal. This milestone will upgrade all Memory Fragments from C-Class to B-Class, plus reward x2 Memory Fragments (Inventory). This milestone’s progress is community driven, so even if you do not turn in the mission items as much, you will still get progress, albeit very slow.

Iteration Two
Continue your journey to Iteration Two by going to the next Anchor Point.
- Anchor Point 2
- To Crave the Stars
- The Anchor
- Universal Language
- Atonement
- Fallen Giants
2.1 Anchor Point 2: Reach the second anchor point.
Follow the marker to the next planet, and use your visor to locate the precise location of the next Anchor Point. You will arrive at another portal, but you do not need to activate it. You can proceed to the next milestone.
Anchor Point 2 rewards:
- x2 Memory Fragment (Inventory)

2.2 To Crave the Stars: Use the Memory Resonator to seek the fallen Traveller.
You will have to use your visor to the next site just within the same planet. You’ll find another grave of a Traveller. Interact with it and prepare for another ambush, this time by Corrupted Sentinels. You could either fight them or flee.
To Crave the Stars rewards:
- Portal Glyph Set
- x2 Memory Fragment
- Memory Imprint II

2.3 The Anchor: Establish a foothold on an infested planet.
The next objective is to set up a base. The planet that you are currently on is already an infested planet. All you need to do is to find a location to build a quick base. It’s your decision to make this your main base, but we recommend to just do the bare minimum to complete this milestone.
You only need to put down your Base Computer, then claim the base, and then construct your base using any 15 base parts. You can simply do 15 floors and you will complete the milestone.
The Anchor rewards:
- Minotaur Geobay
- x5 Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
- Nomad Geobay plans
- Nautilon Chamber plans

2.4 Universal Language: Learn 3 words in each alien language.
If you have been talking to the aliens you encounter and get words out of them, or even if you learn these alien words from Knowledge Stones, then you’ll pretty much be done with this milestone. If not, simply go to a space station and talk to the aliens there. Then, follow the route towards the next Anchor Point and make sure to visit the space station of a different alien species and then do the same, until you have learned three words from each of the species (Travellers not included).
Universal Language rewards:
- Pre-Packaged Advanced Translator Unit
- 1x Memory Fragment
2.5 Atonement: Adopt a predatory companion.
Head to a planet that has fauna, then use your visor to scan out which ones are predators. Not all planets may have a predator, but you are bound to encounter one right before you reach the third Anchor Point.
Tip: Pre-make Creature Pellets so that you can spam the Give option as the predator approaches. You wouldn’t want to get mauled by one and lose all your progress, especially if you have not taken the time to improve your personal shields.
Atonement rewards:
- x150 Ancestral Memories
- x250 Faecium
- x5 Wild Milk

2.6 Fallen Giants: Explore a freighter crash site.
To find a crashed freighter, you will have to purchase a Planetary Chart (Distress Signal) from a Cartographer at a space station for 1 Navigation Data. We highly recommend to stock up on Navigation Data and purchase multiple Planetary Charts as it can sometimes just point you towards a crashed starship.
Use a Planetary Chart on a planet and then head towards the distress signal. If it is a freighter, interact with the computer terminal at its center and extract its Freighter’s Log. This is optional: use your Terrain Manipulator to dig down and access cargo that have been buried. You will also have to repair the cargo doors to open them up. Once opened, prepare to go back out quickly as it will usually release radiation in the area.
Fallen Giants rewards:
- x2 Memory Fragment (Armament)
At this point, you have the option of assisting Polo once more with the loop research under the Perpetuity milestone. Completing this milestone will upgrade the Memory Fragments that you will get from B-Class to A-Class and also reward you with another Memory Fragment (Inventory).
Regardless of the optional milestone, you will be able to complete Iteration Two of this expedition and you are set to embark once more to Iteration Three.
Iteration Two completion rewards:
- Temporal Starship Trail customisation

Iteration Three
You continue your journey to the third Anchor Point. At this point, it would be best to invest on improving your ship’s Hyperdrive to be able to get to the next star systems faster. It’s also good to stock up on Warp Cells.
- Anchor Point 3
- Obsession
- Call of the Void
- Calcified Echoes
- Self Improvement
- Taking it with You
3.1 Anchor Point 3: Reach the third anchor point.
Simply follow the marker to the next planet and use your visor to locate the portal where the next anchor point is.
Anchor Point 3 rewards:
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
- x1 Memory Fragment (Inventory)

3.2 Obsession: Use the Memory Resonator to seek the fallen Traveller.
After finding the anchor point, use your Memory Resonator again to find another Traveller’s grave. After the dialogue, immediately head back to your ship to avoid the encounter.
Obsession rewards:
- Memory Fragment plans
- Memory Imprint III

3.3 Call of the Void: Steal x10 Whispering Eggs.
For this milestone, you will have to find Whispering Eggs and mine them to get Larval Cores. It is recommended to find a planet that has a more favorable condition than the third anchor is on to minimize the things that you have to worry about. Then, you can just find an infested building and grab all ten larval cores while avoiding the Biological Horrors.
You will have to pick up the Larval Cores yourself for them to count to the milestone’s progress.
Call of the Void rewards:
- x6 Whispering Omelette
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exosuit)
- x1 Memory Fragment

3.4 Calcified Echoes: Collect x5 Storm Crystals.
Storm Crystals can be found on planets that have extreme weather conditions. The fastest way to find one without surveying the land is to look for planets that have Activated Metals in it (Activated Copper, Cadmium, Emeril, Indium). Once you find one, head to the surface and wait for a storm. When it is storming, the Storm Crystal nodes can be harvested.
You will have to pick up the Storm Crystals from the nodes themselves for them to count towards the milestone. Crystals that have been obtained through other ways will not count.
Calcified Echoes rewards:
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exosuit)
- x2 Memory Fragment

3.5 Self Improvement: Summon a Memory Fragment.
Use the recipe that you obtained earlier to craft yourself a Memory Fragment using these materials:
- x2 Wiring Loom
- x50 Silver
- x100 Pugneum
Once crafted, use the Memory Fragment to complete this milestone.
Self Improvement rewards:
- x250 Silver
- x250 Gold
- x5 Suspicious Packet (Goods)

3.6 Taking it with You: Earn 1,000,000 Units.
If you have been busy trading or smuggling goods and earning yourself some units, you may have already completed this milestone earlier. If not, take the time to locate a pirate-controlled system and do a smuggling run or two to earn units quickly.
Taking it with You rewards:
- Component crafting blueprints
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
At this point, you will be able to complete Iteration 3 and proceed to Iteration 4 by going to the next anchor point. You can also take the time to contribute to the Loop Research or stock up for the next Iteration. The Loop Research for this iteration will upgrade Memory Fragments to S-Class and will also reward a Memory Fragment.
Iteration 3 completion rewards:
- Whalestalker Cloak customization

Iteration Four
You continue your expedition through Iteration 4 by going to the fourth anchor point.
- Anchor Point 4
- Monomania
- Hot Pursuit
- Banished Glass
- Pugneum Dreams
- Cluster Horde
4.1 Anchor Point 4: Reach the fourth anchor point.
Once again, jump towards the next anchor point and follow the marker towards the right planet. Then, use your visor to locate the portal where the fourth anchor point is.
Anchor Point 4 rewards:
- x2 Memory Fragment
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exocraft)

4.2 Monomania: Use the Memory Resonator to seek the fallen Traveller.
Use your Memory resonator once more to locate another Traveller’s grave. Immediately leave the area after the dialogue to avoid the encounter.
Monomania rewards:
- x2 Memory Fragment (Armament)
- x2 Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
- Memory Imprint IV

4.3 Hot Pursuit: Smuggle 500,000 units worth of contraband.
If you did a smuggle run to complete the previous milestone, congrats! You’re pretty much done with this milestone at this point. If you haven’t completed it yet, just look for a pirate-controlled system, purchase some contraband in the space station, and then sell them to a regulated system.
Hot Pursuit rewards:
- Forged Passport
- x4 Unearthed Treasure
- x2 Memory Fragment

4.4 Banished Glass: Disable a planet’s Sentinel forces.
For this milestone, you will have to clear all five levels of a Sentinel attack. There are lots of ways to do this, especially that Sentinels seem to spawn a lot more in this expedition. But, we found that cheesing all waves within a planet’s Trade Outpost worked best for us. Normally, we would run blasting guns towards these Sentinels, but we have to take the careful route since this expedition is on permadeath, after all.
Banished Glass rewards:
- x1 Memory Fragment (Inventory)
- x2 Memory Fragment (Armament)
- x5 Salvaged Glass

4.5 Pugneum Dreams: Eliminate x20 Sentinels.
Normally, you would be able to complete this while doing the previous milestone. If that’s not the case, you can look for the lone Sentinels and eliminate enough of them to complete the milestone.
Pugneum Dreams rewards:
- Sentinel Boundary Map
- x2 Memory Fragment (Armament)
- x4 Memory Fragment (Exocraft)

4.6 Cluster Horde: Earn 2,000 Nanites.
If you have been trying to earn nanites just to buy those highly inflated S-Class upgrades at the space station shops, then chances are you have already completed this milestone. If not, then you can easily earn this amount by selling some of the tech upgrades that you get from the Memory Fragments. The pre-packaged ones fetch a lot of nanites, provided that it’s a dupe or something that you can live without of.
Cluster Horde rewards:
- x10 Wiring Loom
- x250 Silver
- x500 Pugneum

At this point, you will be able to complete Iteration 4 and get its rewards. You can spend some time contributing to the Loop Research to get more Memory Fragments and get them upgraded to X-Class, or you can also prepare for your next journey to the final anchor point.
Iteration 4 completion rewards:
- Organic Frigate Calf plans

Iteration Five
You continue your journey to the final leg of this expedition be heading over to the last anchor point.
- Anchor Point 5
- Another Chance
- Partners in Time
- A Shattered Past
- The Siren
- Leviathan
5.1 Anchor Point 5: Reach the final anchor point.
You know the drill by now; head towards the marked star system, locate the planet, and then use your visor to find the portal where the anchor point is at.
Anchor Point 5 rewards:
- A Dreadful Wailing
- x2 Memory Fragment

5.2 Another Chance: Confront your Past.
You have to use your Memory Resonator again to search for another Traveller’s grave. Once you find it, interact with it and you don’t have to panic because there are no ambushes this time – at least that’s what happened in our playthrough.
Another Chance rewards:
- Memory Imprint V
- x1,000 Tainted Metal

5.3 Partners in Time: Help build a universal memory.
If you have been spending the time helping out with the Loop Research, then you may have already finished this. If not, you only need to do five deliveries of any of the Loop Research missions to unlock this milestone.
Partners in Time rewards:
- Memory Fragment (Inventory)
- x500 Activated Emeril

5.4 A Shattered Past: Investigate a derelict freighter.
We hope that you’ve been investing in your shields because you will have to go explore a derelict freighter. There are a lot of hostiles in every part of the freighter, but it can be doable if you take it slow.
First off, you will receive an Emergency Broadcast Receiver to look for a freighter. You will then have to just fly off into space while engaging your Pulse Engine. You will eventually pick up the signal of a derelict freighter. In case you get interrupted by pirates or whatnot before finding the freighter, you can simply search for the freighter again.
Once you have located a freighter, explore its different rooms and make sure to check the terminals and logs to get the necessary passwords. You will eventually find the terminal that will give you the Whalesong Flute. You can then leave the frigate after finding it.
A Shattered Past rewards:
- Whalesong Flute plans
- Cargo Bulkhead

5.5 The Siren: Gather flute materials.
You will then have gather the necessary materials to create the Whalesong Flute:
- x32 Liquid Sun
- x32 Ancestral Memories
- x32 Somnal Dust
Once you have all the materials, craft the flute.
The Siren rewards:
- x3 Memory Fragment
- x5 Gravitino Ball

5.6 Leviathan: Meet the End.
It’s time to put that Whalesone Flute to use. Head out into space and then use the flute to call upon a Leviathan. Get close to it and respond to its hail.
At this point, you will go through a short dialogue with it and you will eventually have to choose to continue to the loop or breakout of it. Choosing to continue will just end the conversation without completing the milestone, but you can still call upon the Leviathan once more.
Choosing the option to breakout of the loop will essentially kill you, but you will no longer have to restart your journey. You will be booted back into the Save File selection screen. Load the expedition again and you will find yourself reborn, but all of your progress and items will remain this time as your save file has now been converted into a normal one.
You can choose to continue your journey with this save file if you wish, or you can head back to your other save files and claim your expedition rewards from the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion.
Leviathan rewards:
- x10 Frigate Fuel (200 Tonnes)
- x10 Fuel Oxidiser
- x8 Green Firework

Iteration 5 completion Rewards:
- Title: “Looper” customisation
- Leviathan Expedition Decal plans
- Leviathan Expedition Banner customisation
NMS Expedition 7: Leviathan Rewards
Aside from the rewards that you get from completing the Iterations, you will also get The Leviathan Frigate by redeeming it from the expeditions page. This also carries over to your other saves by claiming it from the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion at the Anomaly.

Bug Note: At the time of writing this guide, the final expedition reward is still bugged and thus cannot be claimed yet. Despite completing all five Iterations, the Expedition progress will still show 0/5 Iterations completed.
The devs have already worked on an experimental branch for this expedition where this bug has been fixed, so you have the option to start a new expedition from that branch. Otherwise, we’ll have to wait for the devs to roll the patch to fix this, hopefully soon.

If you like this Guide, be sure to check out our other No Man’s Sky articles:
- No Man’s Sky Leviathan Expedition 7 Walkthrough & Rewards
- How to repair your starship in No Man’s Sky Expedition 7 Leviathan
- How to Get Technology Upgrades Fast in No Man’s Sky Expedition 7 Leviathan
- How to Claim Leviathan Frigate in No Man’s Sky Expedition 7
- No Man’s Sky Leviathan Expedition 7 Optional Milestones
- No Man’s Sky Leviathan Expedition Update Now Available
- No Mans Sky Coming To Xbox Game Pass Next Month
Check out this video by Captain Steve sharing some tips on how to get through Expedition 7: Leviathan: