Quantic Dreams Implies New Game This 2020

A developer of Detroit: Become Human has recently implied via Twitter that it has many surprises for the fans this year. David Cage recently went online to share this tweet with the world:

While this isn’t a confirmation that Quantic Dreams is making a new game at the moment. One can wonder what Cage meant by having “a lot of surprises” for the year. Considering the overwhelming positive reception of Detroit: Become Human, it isn’t too much of a stretch to think that the studio is gearing up to introduce a new game this 2020.

Considering Cage’s tweet, it may imply a game involving the world of Detroit: Become Human.

Quantic Dreams are usually known for the PS4 exclusives with both Heavy Rain and the aforementioned Detroit: Become Human originally being a Sony exclusive. Both games are available on PC as of December 12, 2019.

Source: IGN

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