A popular Cartoon Network segment, Samurai Jack, created by Genndy Tartaovsky, just got a new game out today! In partnership with Adult Swim Games, Battle Through Time is now available on current generation consoles, and on Epic Games Store and Steam for PC with a $39.99 price tag.
Furthermore, the game is also available on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Mac through Apple’s game subscription service on the App Store. All Apple Arcade subscribers will get the full version of the game including all expansions and updates without any ads or additional in-game purchases. This mobile edition was co-developed by Novarama Technology SL.
A quick description about Battle Through Time:
“Based on the Emmy® Award-winning series with a script from head writer Darrick Bachman, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is the great animated hero’s untold final adventure. Trapped by his arch-nemesis Aku in an alternate timeline during their ultimate confrontation, Samurai Jack must team up with his closest allies against his most notorious enemies to vanquish Aku and save the future. The game’s story tightly integrates with the series finale to conclude Samurai Jack’s adventures.
Made for fans of Samurai Jack and action games alike, Battle Through Time features classic combat and gameplay, stylized 3D visuals, and the series’ renowned blend of humor and drama. Explore the fantastic world of the show, unlock new skills and combos, and slice and dice your foes with over a dozen unique melee and ranged weapons.“