Sea of Stars follows the story of two Children of the Solstice, Valere and Zale, as they go on a journey to perform a ritual that will prevent the world from being overtaken The Fleshmancer. The two protagonists find themselves back in Mooncradle Village, but without their old friend in sight. Now, they must head on to the journey that they have been training for, passing through the Forbidden Cavern once more.
Read ahead as we go through the events in The Forbidden Cavern in Sea of Stars and share some tips and secrets that can be found within the chapter.
See previous: Sea of Stars Mooncradle Village 10 Years Ago Guide
Sea of Stars The Forbidden Cavern Walkthrough
Enter the familiar cavern, then head into the cave west of the first chamber. You will find a pillar up north, but take note of this for now. Proceed to jump across to the west where you will encounter more enemies.
Once the enemies have been defeated, climb up the rock wall on the left side, then jump on to the platform. The platform will descend, raising up the other platform to the right.
Cross on the thin ledge to reach the other side where you will find a chest to the south that contains an Adventurer’s Vest. Then, enter the cave to reach the next chamber.
You will be fighting against more enemies. Clear them out, then climb the set of walls to the left first, then cross over to the right once you reach the top, and jump on the platform to raise the set of walls.
Bosslug Boss Fight
In the next area, you will be facing against Bosslug which is a giant slug-like monster. Its main attacks are its sludge and it can shake the cave, causing boulders to drop. Time your hits to make the most damage out of them, and time your blocks, especially when the rocks fall down. It can also spawn acid bug bombs to act as additional enemies during the fight, which you must prioritize to prevent any explosions.
Keep attacking it with basic attacks to build up your combo meter, and save up your skills and combos for when the boss locks and channels for a powerful attack; more often than not, its locks will correspond to one of your skills or combo.
Once the boss has been defeated, you will earn 80 EXP and you will also unlock the Boss Slugged Achievement. make sure to check the huge cavern up ahead to find more chests that contain 60 Gold and another Adventurer’s Vest.
See next: Sea of Stars Mountain Trail Guide