Game studio Rare just revealed details to the Vaults of the Ancients free update for popular online multiplayer video game Sea of Thieves.

Vaults of the Ancients is the latest monthly update for the game and will be available today. It will be free for all players across PC via Windows 10 and Steam, Xbox Game Pass, and Xbox One. This new content adds a new Voyage type as players are tasted with tracking down keys that are well-hidden in the game. It will unlock the Gold Hoarders’ top secret Treasure Vaults. It is up to the players if they want it safely returned or claim the gold as their own.
These are Puzzle Vaults build in the past and were repurposed by the Gold Hoarders and turned them into Treasure Vaults. Players can take on a Treasure Vault Voyage from the Gold Hoarders’ representative at the nearest Outpost, and they will be given the Golden Wayfinder compass. This will help them in finding the hidden Vault Key. After finding the key, they can choose to return it to the Gold Hoarders or claim it for their own.
The Pirate Emporium is now revealing three different breeds of dogs. These breeds are Alsatian, Whippet and the Inu. Each has a coat pattern that players can choose.
Check out the full patch notes here:
Treasure Vault Voyages
- Voyages to seek the hidden Vault Keys are available from any of the Gold Hoarders’ representatives after reaching rank 25 in their Trading Company.
- The founder of the Bilge Rats, Larinna, has arrived to take Duke’s place at the tavern and is also offering Treasure Vault Voyages for the duration of this update.
- These new Voyages task players with uncovering a Vault Key’s hidden location by seeking out the torn fragments of a map buried beneath the sand.
- To aid pirates on their journey, they’ll be given an enchanted Golden Wayfinder compass to help them find the elusive map pieces leading to the Vault Key.
- While Vault Keys can be returned to the Gold Hoarders (or The Reaper’s Bones) for a substantial reward, there are potentially even greater riches inside the Ancient Vaults that these keys unlock…
Treasure Vaults
- Each key is unique to a specific Treasure Vault. Inspect a Vault Key for a clue to the Vault that it opens.
- Once a Treasure Vault has been opened, your crew will have a limited time to grab as much treasure as possible before the Vault is sealed once more. With piles of gold, treasure chests and trinkets to collect, what can you grab before the time runs out?
- For the Gold Hoarders’ true prize, search for the Vault Medallions and solve the altar’s mystery to reveal the Chest of Ancient Tributes.
- The Vault door will slowly close as time ticks on, so make sure you’re out before the timer reaches zero as being on the wrong side will see you consigned to the Ferry of the Damned!
Vaults of the Ancients Commendations
- New Commendations have been added which will grant players new Titles in addition to unlocking the Ancient Vault Sails and Ancient Vault Tribute Sails offered by Larinna.
Vaults of the Ancients Achievements
- New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the new in-game Commendations. A total of 50 gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.
Golden Retriever [25G]
No Mound Left Behind [10G]
We Don’t Need Maps [15G]
Vaults of the Ancients Events
- If Daily Bounties and the Gold Rush multiplier aren’t enough to fill your nautical calendar, head to the dedicated Events Hub for more information on the live events included in this update – including Hoarders vs. Reapers!
Who Let the Dogs Out?
- Head to the Pirate Emporium to purchase a faithful new dog pet. There are three breeds to choose from: the wolf-like Alsatian, the confident Inu and the lively Whippet.
- Each ship now has a range of spots where your precious pup can rest its head.
- Pamper your pirate pooch and dress them up for adventures on the seas. Kraken, Bilge Rat and Sovereign Outfits are available for all breeds, while Pirate Legends and Champions of Athena’s Fortune can also purchase exclusive Legendary outfits.
Alsatian Sovereign Bundle
- For the duration of the Vaults of the Ancients update, players can pick up a discounted bundle with a feisty Alsatian and a new Sovereign outfit.
Dog Pack Bundle
- Want to give all the dogs a home? This is the bundle for you, offering all three dog breeds complete with fetching Bilge Rat outfits for a discounted price!
Shrouded Ghost Hunter Ship Collection
- As introduced by the Hunters of the Deep event, the Shrouded Ghost Hunter Ship Collection is now available from the Pirate Emporium in its complete form. A Shrouded Ghost Hunter Ship Bundle is also on offer, including all the regular ship cosmetics (without Collector’s variants) at a discount.
- A Hunters of the Deep Event Bundle allows players who took part in the event to pick up the remaining pieces without having to purchase the full set! This will be available for the duration of the Vaults of the Ancients update.
Shrouded Ghost Hunter Costume
- Dress up as everyone’s favorite fabled creature and roam the seas hunting for enemies, loot and man-eating adventure.
Shrouded Ghost Hunter Blunderbuss
- Defend yourself against enemies with the deadly bite of this blunderbuss!
Free Giveaway Emote
- Dog lovers can also find the new Dog Dance emote available for free in the Pirate Emporium!
Hunter’s Call Emote Bundle
- Calling all budding hunters, chefs and pirate foodies – these four new emotes show your passion for the open seas.
Purchasing with Local Currency
- The Pirate Emporium now offers the option to make Pirate Emporium purchases in your local currency. The appropriately sized Ancient Coins bundle will be identified and purchased, and any Ancient Coins left over will be added to your account.
- When browsing the Emporium, all prices are now shown in both Ancient Coins and your local currency.
Bilge Dog Bundle (Store Only)
- Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores. This bundle contains a handsome Inu complete with a Bilge Rat Outfit, plus your very own Bilge Rat Cutlass, Hat, Jacket, Shirt, Trousers and Sails, 550 Ancient Coins and a free 10,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.
Dog Days Bundle (Store Only)
- Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores. This bundle contains one of each dog breed: fluffy Inu, nippy Whippet and steadfast Alsatian. It also comes with a Bilge Rat Outfit for each, 1000 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.
Shrouded Ghost Hunter Bundle (Steam Only)
- Available only from the Steam Store. This bundle contains the savage Shrouded Ghost Hunter Ship Collection, matching weapon and costume, Hunter’s Call emotes, 4250 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Steam Item Store to find out more.
Wild Rose Equipment
- Spend some Doubloons to pick up the pretty Wild Rose Bucket, Compass, Fishing Rod, Lantern, Pocket Watch, Shovel, Speaking Trumpet, Spyglass and Tankard at an initial discount before they head to the Black Market Archive!
Inky Kraken Clothing
- Adorn your pirate with the dreaded Inky Kraken Belt, Boots, Eyepatch, Gloves, Hook and Trousers, all purchasable with gold!
Gameplay Improvements
Slimline Island Banners
- Island name banners shown when approaching islands can now be reconfigured with new slimline banners (a simpler design using less screen space) or disabled completely.
- Banners can be selected by game mode in Gameplay Settings. ‘Island Banners in Adventure’ defaults to cinematic banners, while ‘Island Banners in Arena’ defaults to slimline.
Emissary Ledger Value
- When players hand in items while representing as an Emissary, there will now be an Emissary meter in the bottom left to show the value they’ve contributed to the Emissary Ledger and the increase after handing in items.
Loot Haul Memory Saving
- When collecting notable hauls of different loot in a single place, the game will now reach a threshold where it will optimise performance by changing the appearance of certain loot items. Items will return to their standard visuals when optimisation allows.
Single Stick Camera Accessibility
- Using the Left Trigger in Single Stick mode will swap player movement to the camera to enable looking around. When using this, players will be locked in place and only able to look around.
- If desired, the Left Trigger can be mapped to a different button. This feature also allows players to choose whether the button needs to be held, toggled or turned off.
- Players also have the option to turn off ‘Auto-Float’ and ‘Auto-Centre Camera’ to enable swimming down into shipwrecks.
Accessible UI Navigation
- ‘Circular Navigation’ option has been added to Accessibility Settings.
- When navigating any UI menu and reaching the end of a section with this setting enabled, players will now wrap around and return to the beginning.
- Scrolling off the bottom of a list of settings will now return to the top, while navigating off the right of a shop grid will now return to the left side of the grid.
Toggle to Talk?
- Sea of Thieves is continuing to improve accessibility by reducing ‘held’ actions. Previously ‘Push to Talk’ required the button to be held. Players now have the option to toggle it on and off instead.
Fixed Issues
- When opening the Quest Radial via a key binding, the ‘More’ button will now be present in the event of multiple pages of quests.
- The Pirate Chat Radial should no longer get stuck on the screen when using a ship interaction point.
- Sharks will deal damage to players floating on the water’s surface when attacking.
- Fixing a broken ship’s mast will no longer leave behind incorrect collision on the mast.
- Ghost Ships will no longer spawn at islands already populated by players.
- Players will now be ‘safe teleported’ if they become stuck on the Shores of Gold.
- Players should no longer be able to get underneath the island near Lost Gold Fort.
- Players should now be able to navigate out of the deep pit on Salty Sands.
- Players should no longer get stuck on the torch near the Gold Hoarders’ representative at Ancient Spire Outpost.
- Skeletons should no longer become stuck when exiting the cave on Ashen Reaches.
Combat and Hit Registration
- Players should no longer reach an invulnerable state if interacted with while reviving.
- Improved hit registration when standing on top of a ladder and shooting rival players directly below, such as on the crow’s nest and boarding ladders.
- Fire on the stairs of the sloop should now be much easier to extinguish.
- Skeletons now animate correctly when eating a banana during combat.
- Further improvements made to cannonball hit registration when firing at rival ships.
Visual and Audio
- The ‘Mute All Other Crew’ voice chat option should no longer become enabled during a game session or when transitioning between Arena contests.
Performance and Stability
- When an ethernet cable is disconnected, the game should now handle the error gracefully.
- Optimised Devil’s Roar islands to improve performance.
Known Issues
Treasure Vault Door Closing
- When raiding a Treasure Vault, crews may find that on rare occasion the Vault door appears to slam shut prematurely. This is purely a visual issue and the door can still be passed through until the timer reaches zero and the door shuts fully.
Mysterious Notes Availability
- When starting a session, players will not currently be issued with a Mysterious Note. This feature is being polished for introduction in a future content update.
Players Impacted Following Server Migration
- We are currently tracking a number of player-impacting issues which can occur following a server migration. These include crews migrating near Outposts finding themselves moved to a location where another ship is already present, and issues with ship interaction points following a migration.
Increased Latency and Server Correction
- In cases of high server density, some servers can exhibit performance hits leading to increased latency. This may result in lag spikes during gameplay, rubberbanding and server correction.
Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection
- In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this continues to be a key priority for the team.
Stuck UI Menus
- When interacting with a barrel and moving quickly through its inventory, players may find that the barrel’s state is not updated as items are removed. Players can also experience Game Options becoming stuck on screen when exiting a barrel in this state.
Source: Official Website, Xbox Wire
Check out the video here: