Star Wars Jedi Survivor Devs Explain Reason for Not Needing Another Delay

Devs were confident they could complete it in six weeks.

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Respawn Entertainment recently shared an explanation revealing the reason for not delaying Star Wars Jedi Survivor for the second time.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor recently launched on major consoles and PC and it got rave reviews for the former but unfortunately, really bad reviews on the latter. Many PC players were dissatisfied with how the game ran on PC with low framerates, buggy sections, and some other issues. It got low scores on some review and critic websites. Some players said that the game is another triple A title badly ported on PC and needed more time to bake in the oven. Respawn Entertainment does not think so though.

In an interview with IGN, Game Director Stig Asmussen revealed that the team felt confident that it could finish the game with the original six-week delay. They decided to choose another delay because they believed they could complete the game just in time and the six weeks was just enough.

The aftereffects of that decision had a lot of backlash though majorly on the PC side. Rightfully so as the PC version is not the one EA and Respawn Entertainment promised it to be. Recently, EA posted on Twitter confirming that the game has tons of issues on the PC platform and promises to release a week’s worth of patches. So far, it has fixed a few issues and the negative feedback is still ongoing.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor is out now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor