Electronic Arts, BioWare, and Lucasfilm Games finally released the cinematic trailer of the upcoming Star Wars The Old Republic‘s latest expansion, the Legacy of the Sith. Titled “Disorder” shows the return of the game’s menacing Sith, Darth Malgus, in an all-lightsaber battle with two Jedis.
Legacy of the Sith is the eighth expansion of Star Wars The Old Republic. It features a new planet, Manaan, the level cap has increased to 80, a change in the player’s combat style, an all-new Flashpoint in the planet Elom, and the start of the Galactic Seasons 2. This expansion improves beyond what is recently added with a few enhancements to the game’s visuals and bug fixes, plus balance changes.
The story of Legacy of the Sith centers around Darth Malgus and his quest to search for something mysterious on the planet Manaan.
You can check the full patch notes over at the game’s official site.
Star Wars The Old Republic is available free-to-play on PC, and you can subscribe to gain access to all of the expansions including Legacy of the Sith starting today.