System Shock Remake: Is Launch Finally Happening or Getting Delayed Again?

Probably. Maybe. It better be.

Nightdive has finally announced System Shock Remake is getting released soon! Or probably not. Maybe.

This is now the fifth time that the remaster developer Nightdive has shared a tentative release window of System Shock Remake. This has been in development for quite a while now, since 2016 in fact. The devs made previous commitments way back in 2017, 2018, 2020, and lastly in 2021. This year, they say it is going to be different.

On its Kickstarter page, the developers shared an update stating circumstances were different this time and are currently making the last major steps before they could possibly release the game.

“As some of you have already pointed out this is not our first time announcing a tentative launch window, but over the past few years much has changed – the scope and scale of the project has evolved dramatically and with Prime Matter joining the project it’s enabled us to focus on quality-of-life improvements, bug fixing, and localization support – the last major steps towards releasing a game we’re all incredibly proud of,” the devs said. “This has also given us time to go back and polish various aspects of the game that needed that extra shine.”

system shock remake

Based on the post, it seems Nightdive has been very busy with development and the results speak for themselves.

Based on their track record, will Nightdive finally deliver the finished product that is System Shock Remake within this year? There are still doubts but this would be the perfect time to prove everyone wrong and finally deliver what they have promised.

System Shock Remake is being eyed to release in March 2023 on PC.

Former News Editor