Techland Thinks Reports of their Workplace Environment Were Unfair and One Sided

Techland has now made improvements to workplace environment and more.

Dying Light 2 Lead Designer Tymon Smektala recently spoke with media outlet VG247 to comment on the reports about Techland’s workplace environment.

There were reports before that Techland there had been some issues in their workplace environment. One report said that the studio has a high staff turnover and that the staff were asked to acquire new ideas by citing an existing reference in another game. In other words, they would kind of pirate the idea instead of make an original one.

According to Smektala, it felt that those reports were “extremely unfair and extremely one-sided.”

“I think the people who took it worst were the developers, the people in the trenches making the game,” he continued. “We really felt that it was unjust and it was unfair and the story didn’t open the doors to the voices of the developers in the studio and try to listen to their stories.

“Like every developer and every company hopefully, we try to improve and progress and try to get more and more professional as we try to introduce processes that allow us to do things more effectively. And we will continue to do that, 100%.”

Smektala seems to say there was more to the story and the reports were only saying one side of it, which was unfair for them. Techland also says they are now improving their workplace environment and hopefully this will continue on.

Former News Editor