Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Best Leland Build Guide

This guide talks about the best attribute, ability, and perk builds for Leland in TCM.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Leland Build cover

Leland is one of the victims in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. He is an athletic guy who has the ability to tackle his hunters and make a quick escape. However, he is not good at making himself unseen and would have a better chance of survival by avoiding encounters. Read ahead as we talk more about how to get the best build for Leland in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Best Leland Attributes

Leland has the highest base stat for Strength, allowing him to be able to win against most encounters easily and stun family members longer. He will have a hard time keeping quite due to his low Stealth, which is why he has to work in a team as a bait or as a protector for others that focus on tasks.

Here are Leland’s base stats:

  • Toughness: 20**
  • Endurance: 30*
  • Strength: 40
  • Proficiency: 25
  • Stealth: 10

As a distractor role, Leland can take advantage of the low Stealth and just have points allocated on Toughness to be able to take in more hits, and on Endurance to fare well during chases. Proficiency won’t be needed as Leland would work best with another proficient victim.

Best Leland Ability Modifiers

Leland’s main ability is Life Saver which allows him to defend himself or his teammates by knocking down and stunning Family members. This ability does not affect Leatherface.

Leland has modifiers that can improve the ability’s usage:

  • Level 1 and 2
    • Quicker Recharge: Time taken to recharge ability is set to 162/144 seconds.
    • Restore Stamina: After barging a Family member, 30/60 stamina is restored.
    • Increased Stun Duration: Barged Family members will be stunned for 10/11 seconds.
  • Level 3
    • Quicker Recharge: Time taken to recharge ability is set to 126 seconds.
    • Concussive Hit: Applies a concussion effect to the knocked down Family member.
    • Increased Stun Duration: Barged Family members will be stunned for 12 seconds.

Take note that you will need to level up Leland’s ability to level 3 to be able to unlock all three slots for its modifiers. Also, the same modifiers’ effects do not stack up, and only the modifier placed on the higher level will take effect.

To make Leland’s ability more effective against the killers, it’s best to go for these modifiers:

  • Level 1: Quicker Recharge
  • Level 2: Restore Stamina
  • Level 3: Increased Stun Duration

Best Leland Perks

Depending on your Leland playstyle, you can either go for the perk loadout that will allow you to be aggressive at slowing down the killers, or just become a distracting menace.

Aggressive Sneak Attack build:

  • Choose Fight: Fight or flight? Choose Fight. Sneak Attacks and Close Encounters stun the family for 2/3.5/5 seconds longer.
  • Fish Hooks: Sneak attacks decrease Family’s max stamina for a while. Hard to be active with somethin’ sharp jammed in your gut. Max stamina reduced by 50%/65%/75% for 10/20/30 seconds.
  • Efficient Backstabber: Sneak attacks have a chance to not consume a Bone Scrap. Chance is 20%/30%/40%. (through Random perk slot)

Distraction Foiler build:

  • Agitator: Be more effective in reducing the Family Bond when incapacitating Grandpa. Family bond goes down by 2/3/4 levels.
  • Choose Fight: Fight or flight? Choose Fight. Sneak Attacks and Close Encounters stun the family for 2/3,5/5 seconds longer.
  • Tae Kwon Door: You’ve been practicing your door forms and now slamming doors on Family members stuns them for 12/14/16 seconds.

Other perks that you might want to consider while working on leveling up your main perks:

  • Grappler: You’ve got fast hands. Each button tap in a close encounter is worth more towards winning the struggle. Button taps are 50%/75%/100% more effective.
  • Conditioned: When you completely run out of stamina, it takes 20%/40%/60% less time to start coming back. Take five and get back out there.
  • Jack in the Box: When leaving a hiding spot, you take 15/25/35% less damage for 5/8/11 seconds.
  • No Sell: When you get hit by a Family member, you take 40/60/80% less damage. Has 1/2/3 charge(s).
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