Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt Blood Resonance Guide

A guide on how all Blood Resonance mechanics work in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt Blood Resonance

Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodhunt Blood Resonances are the perk boost system that players can take advantage of in Bloodhunt matches. Players can obtain these perks during a match and can stack them up for a much more potent boost. Picking up the right resonance for the chosen playstyle or even archetype will make or break the player or team’s match.

In this guide, we will talk about the Blood Resonance mechanic and look into the different kinds of resonances available in the game, as well as the Diablerizing side-mechanic that comes with it.

What is Blood Resonance in Bloodhunt?

Bloodhunt Blood Resonances are in-match perks that can give boosts such as lower cooldown on clan or archetype abilities, increased melee damage, and enhanced healing per second. These buffs last until the end of the match and can be stacked up to gain a stronger perk.

Players can either choose to drink a cocktail of blood with several kinds of resonances for a well-rounded boost, or do a min-max approach by just keeping it pure and drinking only one kind of blood.

Every match, players will have three slots that they can fill up with their chosenresonances. Players can then use their scanning sense to look for mortals within the streets of Prague that they can suck blood from in order to gain a blood resonance.

Within the scanning vision, mortals will glow in different colors depending on the type of blood that they carry. Each color represents a specific blood resonance.

All Blood Resonances in Bloodhunt

There are four different kinds of Bloodhunt Blood Resonances that players can obtain during a match.

Phlegmatic Blood Resonance

The Phlegmatic Blood Resonance will provide players with a lower cooldown for their archetype ability. Each level of this perk will decrease the cooldown by 10%/25%/50%. Mortals that glow a turquoise color will provide this type of blood.

Maxing out on Phlegmatic blood is great for players who like to play with their different archetype abilities which are more specialized depending on their build.

Phlegmatic Blood Resonance - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt

Melancholic Blood Resonance

The Melancholic Blood Resonance will provide players with a lower cooldown for their clan ability. Each level of this perk will decrease the cooldown by 10%/25%/50%. Mortals that glow a purple color will provide this type of blood.

Maxing out on Melancholic blood is recommended for players who are fond of the hit-and-run tactic as most of the clan abilities provide a boost in mobility for ambushes or it increases the chance of escaping an encounter unscathed.

Melancholic Blood Resonance - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt

Sanguine Blood Resonance

The Sanguine Blood Resonance will provide players an increased passive health recovery boost when not taking damage. Each level of this perk will increase the per second passive health recovery by 0.5/1.5/3.0 HP. Mortals that glow a pink color will provide this type of blood.

Sanguine blood is good for players who are still learning the ropes of the Bloodhunt as it can provide a full health recovery in just roughly over a minute. The health regen can also be strong enough to at least slow down the effects of the red gas, allowing you to get a higher chance of outwaiting the 40-second revive.

Sanguine Blood Resonance - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt

Choleric Blood Resonance

The Choleric Blood Resonance will provide players with an increased melee damage. Each level of this perk will increase the melee damage by 10%/25%/50%. Mortals that glow an orange color will provide this type of blood.

Choleric blood is specifically made for players who like to go on close combat scenarios. It is definitely not for someone who likes to just stick with guns all throughout the match.

Choleric Blood Resonance - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt
Diablerizing Mechanic in Bloodhunt

There is a side-mechanic in Bloodhunt called Diablerie where a player sucks the blood and devours the soul of a downed opponent. Diablerie is basically a special finisher, but with perks.

Players who diablerize their downed opponents will not only finish them off, but the player will also gain access to another Blood Resonance slot on top of a full health recovery.

Players can diablerize as many opponents as they can to recover health within a match, but only four (4) more resonance slots will be added to them, bringing the total slots to seven (7). The additional slots will allow the player to have two maxed out Blood Resonances and a single level 1 resonance, or played with other resonance combos that suit their playstyle.

Bloodhunt Blood Resonance Tips

  • Try to go for the maximum level of a resonance first rather than spreading it with the other types since the jump from the current bonus to the next bonus is quite substantial.
  • When diablerizing on solo or with teammates, make sure that you are in the clear and no other opponents are around that can ambush you. You will oftentimes encounter situations where you’ll have to decide whether to diablerize or just kill off a downed opponent depending on the current situation in the area.
  • You also have to decide quick whether to diablerize or not since downed opponents can revive after 40 seconds.

If you like this Article, be sure to check out our other Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt articles here:

Check out this video by TheCadWoman talking about the different Blood Resonances in Bloodhunt:

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