Everything announced at Xbox Games Showcase 2023

All the games announced during the Xbox Games Showcase 2023.

It’s the time of year, and the green team’s annual event just happened. The Xbox Games Showcase 2023 included some of the most exciting titles coming to the platform and a few updates here and there, plus we had a great Starfield Direct where the development team over at Bethesda Game Studios did a deep-dive of what we can expect of their upcoming space exploration role-playing game, Starfield.

The hour-long livestream brought in Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws, updates on Forza Motorsport and Sea of Thieves new content, Fable, and new Xbox first-party games such as Clockwork Revolution and South of Midnight.

While Xbox’s games showcase did include a decent amount of games, the only thing that made people stay was the amazing Starfield Direct segment from Bethesda.

Here is the list of games that made it to the Xbox Game Showcases 2023.

Games in the Xbox Games Showcase 2023