Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Showcases New Leveling Options

Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Shulk

Game company Nintendo and developer Monolith Soft recently discussed new features of upcoming video game remaster Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition.

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition adds new advanced settings

The new advanced settings were recently revealed on the official Japanese Twitter account of the series. This new feature allows players to adjust various settings of the game. With it, players can stock all the EXP that they gained in their journey and adjust the levels of their players. They can delevel their characters to a point they like to give them a challenge. They could also enter an area without getting too overpowered due to higher levels.

The awesome part of this feature is that when players gain experience from winning battles, the experience goes to the stockpiled EXP. So when they want to adjust their levels back to normal ones, they can just get the EXP from that stockpile for use.

The Definitive Edition will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on May 29.

Source: Twitter via Siloconera (Translation)

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