343 Industries to Continue Making Halo Content Affirms Studio Head

343 Industries is here to stay and will still be Halo content developer.

In a new statement by 343 Industries, the developer has confirmed its plans for more developing Halo content.

343 Industries Continues to Develop Halo Content Today and Future

Studio Head Pierre Hintze recently took to Halo’s official Twitter account to share 343’s industries’ plans for the franchise’s future. He revealed that the studio will continue developing content for Halo today and in the future. This will include epic stories, multiplayer, and other content that makes Halo great. While short, his message was clear for everyone to read. No other studio will be taking over their role in developing Halo content even in future titles.

343 Industries Affected by Microsoft Mass Layoff

A few days ago, it was reported and confirmed that 343 Industries was one of the studios that got affected by Microsoft’s mass layoffs. It was also revealed that one of their executives had left the studio to go back to Microsoft Publishing even after Halo Infinite was starting to go back to its feet and gaining traction. Despite its lousy launch day and first few months, Halo Infinite gained some growth until this mass layoff event. Fans were worried that the latest Halo entry would become “dead” without good leadership and developers running it, but 343 Industries is determined to keep them entertained.

halo 343 industries

Halo MCC Celebrates Lunar New Year

In other Halo-related news, Halo The Master Chief Collection is celebrating the Lunar New Year by offering a free Lunar New Year nameplate. It will be available starting today until February 1, 2023.

Halo Infinite Season 3 Coming Soon

For Halo Infinite, Season 3 is coming in a few months, March 7, 2023, to be exact. It is expected to end on June 27, 2023, and presumably will also start the next season, the fourth one. It has been a long wait since the launch of Season 2, which was way back on May 3, 2022, almost a year. Season 2 also took a long while, taking almost half a year to wait for it to manifest. With 343 Industries’ staff members and one executive leaving, one can only wonder how long fans will have to wait for the next season.

Former News Editor