Games are supposed to be fun! To think that people would pick up some video games in order to relieve some stress and just enjoy themselves. However, there are some games out there that just like to bring out the masochist in us.
For clearance, these are games that I personally experienced. These games will be frustrating regardless of the difficulty setting. Or who knows? Maybe you’re that good enough to ease your way into every single one of these games.
With that out of the way, here are 5 Games That Would Make You Want To Throw The Controller!
Dark Souls Series, Bloodborne, and every other Souls-like game…
Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way.
If you’ve been keeping up with the gaming community online, then you’d probably already heard about these games. You probably keep hearing the terms “Oh, Dark Souls is so hard!” or “This game is just like Dark Souls.” The two sentences are often in conjunction with each other. That’s because Dark Souls is frustratingly hard. That’s not to say for every other Souls-like game out there.
You know a game is actively trying to torture you when 90% of the time, your screen screams out “YOU DIED” and you inevitably have to start all over again with all the enemies revived.
Dark Souls and Bloodborne can take the difficult to another level by depriving you of the pause button. A feature so easily taken for granted that you don’t know what you have till it’s gone. That’s the case here. No pausing. Ever. Imagine having to take a potty break or having to answer an important phone call during game time. Not fair? Definitely. But these games certainly don’t give a rat’s ass.
In RPGs, we often would like to take advantage of the fact that we can spam so many attacks at once. Go ahead, play a character that tires himself out after only three swings. This gives your enemies a very clear shot when you’re out of breath with their infuriatingly large damage that you might as well be made out of toilet paper.
Interestingly enough, despite the game being so difficult, that still doesn’t make it bad. There’s a certain level of obsession that these types of games instill in players that just keeps us playing.
Ghost Recon Wildlands

There are so many things about this game that would make you want to frustrate yourself enough to throw the controller. An all knowing AI, nonexistent checkpoints, and a Ghost Recon game that doesn’t really stay true to its roots.
Getting so much spotted and alarmed by one person will automatically make everyone know your position, which will only take about a few bullets to kill you depending on the difficulty. Hiding behind bushes does nothing, as cartel members have to pinpoint laser sight accuracy despite using two guns and firing in a typical gangsta style and can know exactly where you are despite how much you blend in with the background.
Dying in this game isn’t any merciful either, especially if you’re playing single player, you get a total of two deaths before you’re sent back to the beginning. There are no checkpoints available and you’re pretty much quite the distance from the mission level itself. Even if you do want to restart the mission yourself for whatever reason, you can’t. You have to die in order to be able to do just that. Even more annoying since you have to die more than once in order to truly restart the mission.
Thankfully, multiplayer is much more merciful. The game was clearly design for that. Despite this, the frustrating mechanics of the game and AI are still very much present.

Heard of the game? You should have. It’s rather popular.
What do you get when you drop a group of 100 players into a single map and then tell them to kill each other? Utter chaos.
For the record, Fortnite isn’t so much as you want to throw your controller to the ground every match, but you’re bound to have that one moment where you get so close and have been doing so well only to get killed out of one stupid decision.
One player’s loss is another player’s victory. Or maybe some rookie panicked enough to blast you both with a rocket launcher at point-blank range in a closed building? Then in that case, it’s both your loss. Take comfort in that.
The Evil Within

What’s a horror game without so many ways to die?
The Evil Within proves itself to be very taxing with so many ways to die, one-shot kill bosses, and extremely limited ammo. This horror game often has you relying on trial and error in order to pass each level. And failing often means dying for the most part. The number of times you die can almost feel like a homage to Dark Souls.
The game even proudly displays the number of times you’ve died after finishing the game. If the number count is anything below 70, then that’s an indication that you’re really good at this game.
Thankfully, it seems to be on the good side of frustration as it does keep challenging us to exploit everything the game has to offer in order to succeed.
Metro Last Light
The game for survivalists everywhere!
There’s this charm into having a game make sure you scavenge for everything all around for pieces of equipment, and that can be quite rewarding. But that equipment will be gone as much as you’d spend them trying to survive from one area to another.
But that’s not what makes this game frustrating. What makes this game frustrating, is that it can be so easy to get stuck on a level. Imagine having to be on the upper ground with no air filters left. Enemies are brutal, especially on higher levels, and getting spotted by enemies is almost a guaranteed death sentence. Running out of ammo and resources and then frequently getting killed because of it is practically normal for this game.
Just to be clear, none of the above games we mentioned are bad in any way. They’re even really good. They just have those moments that really make you want to just throw the controller (or if you’re poor like me, exit the game and sulk) that can happen in so many moments.