This is your Destiny 2 weekly reset for October 04, 2022. This week sees the return of Grandmaster Nightfalls to Destiny 2. We really hope that Bungie fixes whatever was wrong with the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk. It’s been one ‘fix’ after another with the new Exotics. It’s just a shame that what needed to be fixed was an Exotic that was actually useful. (Sorry Point-Contact Cannon Brace.)
But enough about that, next up we have a little of last week’s story update and a look at this week’s scheduled activities. Including double rewards in Nightfalls thanks to the return of Grandmaster Nightfall.
As of the writing of this article, we are Step 49 of 62 in the Sails of the Shipstealer questline. By our estimate, we are only a couple of weeks away from the quest’s conclusion and the season’s first half.
Destiny 2 Hotfix
Before we talk about the latest seasonal story update, let’s go ahead and talk about the hotfix that’s coming to the game this week. According to Bungie, next Tuesday, October 4, Destiny 2 Hotfix will be released. It will include the following changes:
- To alleviate some of the pressure in acquiring Season of Plunder weapon patterns, the Double Perk Weapon Spoils Crew Upgrade will now give you a Deepsight modded weapon the first time you focus a weapon each week.
- The Deepsight modded weapon from the Hidden Compartment Crew Upgrade will now appropriately refresh at the weekly reset.
These are the changes that Bungie announced at last week’s TWAB. We expect there to be more changes as the hotfix goes live tomorrow.
Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk Fix Update
From the Bungie Help Twitter account, a fix for the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk Exotic is on the way. It’s planned to roll out in mid-October.

Bungie also announced this week that they have introduced a few changes that made things easier for players to get red border weapons. Makes you wonder why they didn’t just make it so from the start of the season.
Season Story Update
After last week’s bombshell, this week’s story update felt more like a calm before the storm. Drifter and Eido had a talk and Eido is starting to understand why her father chose to hide things the way he did. (I still can’t get over the fact that Drifter’s name was once Germaine.)

Mistraaks, for his part, has started to step up and is in the process of revealing everything with the hope of finally putting the past behind him. All he asks for is a little patience for everyone involved.

Meanwhile, the artifacts’ whispers are slowly becoming audible. And from the looks of it, there is room enough for two more artifacts of Darkness. We are nearing the end of this particular questline in a couple of weeks’ time at the latest. If Eramis wasn’t desperate then, she certainly is now.
Also, what does the Lucent Hive have to do with all of this? Are they under orders from Immaru… or carrying out Savathun’s? We’ll find out in due time.
Destiny Weekly Reset Time
As always, the Destiny 2 weekly reset times are 10 AM PDT for the folks on the West Coast of the US. 6 AM BST for our readers in Britain. And 2 AM JST the following day for everyone in Japan.
Destiny 2 Weekly Activities October 04 – October 10 2022 Overview
With the start of Grandmaster Nightfalls this week, Bungie saw fit to give hard-working Guardians a little bonus with their Nightfall rewards. This will go on for the rest of the week.
For our PvP enthusiasts out there, Showdown comes to the Crucible. Also, the Crucible Labs opens up again bringing with it the Zone Control experimental game mode.
Where is Xur? October 07 2022
It’s that time of the week again where everyone asks the question – where is Xur?
Well, this weekend Xur can be found in the hangar in the tower. The platforms at the back near a landing pad, to be precise. And what’s our favorite agent of the Nine selling this week? Let’s see.
Exotic Gear: (23 Legendary Shards each)
- Two-Tailed Fox Exotic Rocket Launcher (29 Legendary Shards)
- Workhusk Crown Hunter Exotic Helmet
- ACD/0 Feedback Fence Titan Exotic Gauntlets (65 overall, +18 Recovery roll)
- Contraverse Hold Warlock Exotic Gauntlets (63 overall, +19 Resilience roll)
Legendary Weapons: (50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer each)
- True Prophecy Legendary Hand Cannon
- Enigma’s Draw Legendary Sidearm
- Escape Velocity Legendary Submachine Gun
- Seventh Seraph CQC-12 Legendary Shotgun (Must Have)
- Punching Out Legendary Sidearm
- Negative Space Legendary Sword
- Stars in Shadow Legendary Pulse Rifle
Legendary Armor: (50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer each)
- Opulent Scholar Gloves Legendary Gauntlets
- Opulent Scholar Robes Legendary Chest Armor
- Opulent Scholar Hood Legendary Helmet
- Opulent Scholar Boots Legendary Leg Armor
- Opulent Duelist Gauntlets Legendary Gauntlets
- Opulent Duelist Plate Legendary Chest Armor
- Opulent Duelist Mark Legendary Titan Mark
- Opulent Duelist Helm Legendary Helmet
- Opulent Duelist Greaves Legendary Leg Armor (65 overall, +24 Mobility roll)
- Opulent Stalker Grips Legendary Gauntlets (61 overall, +20 Resilience roll)
- Opulent Stalker Vest Legendary Chest Armor (63 overall, +24 Intellect roll)
- Opulent Stalker Cloak Legendary Hunter Cloak
- Opulent Stalker Mask Legendary Helmet
- Opulent Stalker Strides Legendary Leg Armor
Destiny 2 Weekly Challenges October 04 2022
Antiquarian VII – Return the seventh relic to the H.E.L.M. Also, defeat powerful Vex throughout the system. Defeating more powerful combatants will award bonus progress.
Shaper II – Level Seasonal Shaped weapons to Level 10.
Efficient Expedition – Complete Expedition in each in under 10 minutes.
Underhanded – Defeat targets with Sidearms and defeat jolted combatants. Defeating combatants in Ketchcrash and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.
Closing In – Defeat targets with Machine GUns, Sniper Rifles, and Swords in Gambit. Defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.
Grandmaster – Complete any Nightfall strike on Grandmaster.
Fleeting Glory – Complete Crucible matches in the Glory Rank playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins.
Destiny 2 Nightfall This Week October 04 2022 – October 10 2022
This week’s featured Nightfall mission is The Glassway. We are going back to Europa for this one and it will be our job to stop a Vex incursion into our neck of the woods. Additionally, expect more materials and resources with the bonus Nigthfall rewards that are active for the week.

Nightfall weapon this week
The Nightfall weapon dropping this week will be the D.F.A. Handcannon.

Destiny 2 Crucible Featured Game Mode October 04 2022
Showdown returns to the Crucible next week. If you are missing seasonal challenges for this activity, here’s your chance to complete them.
Crucible Labs
Bungie is bringing back one of its experimental game mode. This week it’s going to be Zone Control. Much like the Eruption game mode, playing this mode gives Bungie as to how to improve on it before releasing it as its own Crucible game mode or create something new with the lessons learned from it.
Destiny 2 Featured Raid and Dungeon October 04 2022 – October 10 2022
This week’s featured raid is the Garden of Salvation on the Moon. As for this week’s featured Dungeon is Prophecy. You can find that under the Legends tab. And as usual, completing these featured content will reward you with pinnacle gear.
In relation to Grandmaster Nightfalls, Garden of Salvation will reward you with the Divinity. While the Prophecy Dungeon gives you some very high-stat armor which are necessary in high level content.
Garden of Salvation Raid Challenges
- Zero to One Hundred – Done during the Sanctified Mind (4th encounter), Once you deposit motes, you have 10 seconds to fully fill the bank. This applies to both banks.
- To the Top – Done during the Consecrated Mind (3rd encounter), it requires the player to deposit 10 motes at a time.
- A Link to the Chain – Done during the Draw Out the Consecrated Mind Encounter (2nd Encounter), all six fire team members must replenish enlightenment at the same time. Three pairs of 2 also work too, apparently.
- Staying Alive – During the first encounter, do not kill any of the Cyclops in the room where the Consecrated Mind is depositing Voltaic Overflow charges.
King’s Fall Challenge This Week October 04 2022
This week’s challenge is called Gaze Amaze. This challenge occurs during the Gorgoroth encounter. And it will require the Gaze Holder to be inside a Pool of Reclaimed Light while Gorgoroth is looking at them.
Accomplish this and you and your raid team will be rewarded with an additional raid chest that contains Hallowed loot and some high-stat armor.
Destiny 2 Lost Sector Today October 04 2022 – October 10 2022
- October 04 – The Quarry (EDZ) – Exotic Boots
- Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable
- Burn: Void
- Shields: Solar, Void
- October 05 – Excavation Site XII (EDZ) – Exotic Gauntlets
- Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Arc
- October 06 – Concealed Void (Europa) – Exotic Chest Pieces
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Solar, Void
- October 07 – Bunker E15 (Europa) – Exotic Helmets
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Void
- Shields: Void
- October 08 – Perdition (Europa) – Exotic Boots
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Void
- Shields: Arc, Void
- October 09 – The Conflux (Nessus) – Exotic Gauntlets
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Void
- October 10 – K1 Crew Quarters (The Moon) – Exotic Chest Pieces
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Arc
- Shields: Solar
Featured Potential rewards:
- Exotic Boots
- Hunter: Star-Eater Scales, Radiant Dance Machines
- Titan: The Path of Burning Steps
- Warlock: Rain of Fire, Secant Filaments, Boots of the Assembler
- Exotic Gauntlets
- Hunter: Caliban’s Hand, Renewal Grasps, Athrys’s Embrace
- Titan: Point-Contact Cannon Brace, Second Chance, Icefall Mantle, No Backup Plans
- Warlock: Necrotic Grip, Nothing Manacles
- Exotic Chest Pieces
- Hunter: Gryfalcon’s Hauberk, Omnioculus
- Titan: Hoarfrost-Z, Cuirass of the Falling Star
- Warlock: Mantle of Battle Harmony
- Exotic Helmets
- Hunter: Blight Ranger, Mask of Barkris
- Titan: Loreley Splendor, Precious Scars
- Warlock: Fall Sunstar, Dawn of Chorus
Do note that though they may be the featured Exotics, there is a chance you can still obtain other Exotics that are not in your collection. The featured set just means you have a higher chance of getting them, but it is never guaranteed.
Destiny 2 Dares of Eternity Rewards October 04 – October 10 2022
From the 30th Anniversary Pack activity, Dares of Eternity this week features returning weapons with updated power relevancies. This also includes the sought-after red border weapons that you can craft yourself.
The Featured Faction Armor sets are:
- BrayTech Suit Set
- Lost Pacific Suit Set
As for the weapons this week:
- From the Season of Arrivals:
- First In, Last Out Shotgun
- Lonesome Sidearm
- Gnawing Hunger Auto Rifle
- Night Watch Scout Rifle
- Main Ingredient Fusion Rifle
- IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.2 Submachine Gun
- Long Shadow Sniper Rifle
- Steel Sybil Z-14 Sword
- Toil and Trouble Shotgun
- Last Perdition Pulse Rifle
- Wishbringer Shotgun
- Berenger’s Memory Grenade Launcher
- The Last Dance Sidearm
- IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 Sniper Rifle
Destiny 2 Eververse Store Offers October 04 2022 – October 10 2022
Now that we’ve sorted through this week’s activities, let’s head over to Tess and see what has on offer in exchange for Bright Dust.
The Eververse Store for this week has:
- Hit The Bag Exotic Emote – 3250 Bright Dust
- Gigantes Carrier Exotic Ship – 2000 Bright Dust
- Hatchling Huddle Exotic Emote – 3250 Bright Dust
- Metropolis Shell Exotic Ghost Shell – 2850 Bright Dust
- Skiffscooter Exotic Vehicle – 2500 Bright Dust
- Metropolictan Frigate Exotic Ship – 2000 Bright Dust
- Dreaming Shimmer Legendary Transmat Effect – 450 Bright Dust
- Laguna Cruiser Legendary Shader – 300 Bright Dust
- Thumbs-Up Projection Legendary Ghost Projection – 1500 Bright Dust
- Blued Steel (Shards of Galanor) Exotic Hunter Ornament – 1500 Bright Dust
- Lordly Homage (Doom Fang Pauldrons) Exotic Titan Ornament – 1500 Bright Dust
- Dead of Winter (Winter’s Guile) Exotic Warlock Ornament – 1500 Bright Dust
- Directive Crash (Sleeper Simulant) Exotic Weapon Ornament – 1250 Bright Dust
Destiny 2 is out now on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, as well as on PC (via Steam). Season 17, 18, and 19 season passes are available for purchase on all available platforms in exchange for 1,000 Silver or $9.99.
Check out this video from Youtuber xHOUNDISHx where he also talks about the upcoming week’s activities for the seventh week of Destiny 2 Season 18.