343 Industries has recently announced that the Halo Infinite Winter Update launches soon.
The Winter Update will add a plethora of new content according to the developers when this launches in just a few weeks. The first content that will be introduced is the Campaign Network Co-Op, which will allow up to four players to experience the campaign together from the Warship Gbraakon to the Silent Auditorium. It is also supported by the addition of Mission Replay, which will allow players to play completed missions as much as they want. It will net players 24 more Achievements to unlock.
Forge Beta will be coming with the Winter Update. It comes with thousands of new objects and countless new additions and improvements. Players can become super creative with the powerful tools laid out with Forge Beta.
A new 30-tier Battle Pass will be introduced. There also other new stuff like new events, new modes, new maps, and more. The Overview video features all the new additions that will be launching together with the Winter Update on November 8, 2022.

Halo Infinite is now available on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.