World’s Edge has recently announced two Age of Empires titles will be coming to Xbox consoles.
Two Age of Empires will be coming to Xbox consoles in 2023, which are Age of Empires II Definitive Edition and Age of Empires IV. The team behind the franchise has stated that it was the right time to bring both titles to the Xbox consoles since the series has taken off quite well.
Age of Empires II Definitive Edition will launch n Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S this coming January 31, 2023. Age of Empires IV will launch on the same consoles later in the year.
This will be a big year for Xbox console players who have asked Xbox versions of both titles. Age of Empires II Definitive Edition will launch in early 2023 while Age of Empires IV launches later in the same year. There will be time for players to enjoy both titles.

Both titles will be available via the Microsoft Store, Xbox Game Pass, and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.