Apex Legends: Emergence Gameplay Trailer Features Seer and More

Seer, Rampage LMG, and a "decimated" World's Edge are featured.

apex legends emergence seer

Game developer Respawn Entertainment has released the newest gameplay trailer for upcoming Apex Legends: Emergence.

The whole video is all gameplay featuring the newest Legend Seer, the crumbling World’s Edge location, and the powerful Rampage LMG. World’s Edge looks quite chaotic in the upcoming new season with the subtitle “Decimated”. There are also new arenas to conquer, as seen in the video.

The deadly Rampage LMG is seen in action firing a lot of shots in one go. It might be not that accurate but one hit and it can cripple enemies and might even knock them out.

The real highlight of the clip is the new Legend Seer and now seen in action with his micro-drones. “With an artist’s perspective, he sees beauty in the chaos,” according to the video game description.

Apex Legends: Emergence gameplay trailer is a must-see for regulars and upcoming players. The game is now available on PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Here’s the new gameplay trailer:

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