The Weeping Gorge is the seventeenth chapter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. The hunters led by Harding are now heading towards the zakru gravesite to loot all of the zakru bones that they find valuable, and it is up to the young Sarentu to warn Sosul of the incoming poachers before he gets hurt. Read ahead as we go through the events of The Weeping Gorge in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and share some tips on how to complete the chapter.
See previous: Chapter 16 – The Lodge
Find Sosul, the Zeswa burden carrier, in the Weeping Gorge

Head to east from the First Zakru to get to the Weeping Gorge. You will then arrive at the Zakru Graveyard, and from there, make your way on foot into the gorges.
Find Sosul’s camp in the Weeping Gorge

Follow the path deeper into the gorge as you follow the marker. You will eventually arrive at Sosul’s camp where you meet up with Sosul and Kin.

You then warn the two to leave the place as the Sky People are about to raid it for the zakru tusks and bones, but Sosul is adamant to stay and to do his obligation as the burden carrier. He was then convinced after you offer you help to do his burden instead and when he was told that he could go back home to the clan.
Follow Sosul, the burden carrier, at the Weeping Gorge

Follow Sosul as he explains what he has been doing in the gorge. His task was to keep the wind flutes, structures made from zakru bones, in tune to help soothe the mourning zakru who visit the gorge for their dead.
Tune the wind flute next to Sosul in the Weeping Gorge

Sosul then tells you to try and tune the wind flutes using the tuning stick. Turn the tuning stick until the ropes attached to it are just taut enough. Doing so will tune the flute and earn you Clan Flavor to the Zeswa.
Sosul then gives you some more advice about the wind flutes before leaving you to do the task.
Tune the wind flutes in the Weeping Gorge

Scan the location to find the flutes that need tuning, then head to the mouth of the nearby cave to get to the closest one.

Enter the cave and make your way through the chambers and paths in it. Inside the first chamber, go across the pond and climb the path where you will find a mural; inspect the mural then proceed ahead until you reach a fork.

Take the broken path on the left, jump across the gap then continue down the path to reach the first wind flute. Tune it and you’ll gain some more Clan Favor.

Find the lift vine near the ledge to safely go back down into the gorge, then continue towards the next flute. Be on the lookout for entangling roots on the ground as they can cause damage when stepped on. Look for a way to go over them or do a charged jump to clear them.

Make your way through the obstacles and gaps along the path. You’ll pass by another mural that you can inspect. Then, you will eventually get to the second wind flute. Tune this one as well to gain more Clan Favor.

Rescan the place to get your bearings then head towards the next wind flute. As you move along, you’ll start hearing sounds of choppers, signaling that the RDA are approaching.

You will be intercepted by RDA soldiers coming down from the chopper. Clear them out, then you can proceed to the third wind flute. You can also take the time to explore the surrounding area to find another mural and a bellsprig plant.

After tuning the wind flute, you’ll gain more Clan Favor and the sound through the gorge will improve.
Climb to the cliffside cave in the Weeping Gorge

Next, you will need to get to the cliffside cave. Take the next path nearby and climb up the cliffs using the lift vines.
You will eventually find the cave opening marked by a painting of an ikran on the wall. Follow the path up and you will arrive at the Musician’s Cave.
Listen to the song of the wind flutes from the cliffside cave in the Weeping Gorge

Approach the pad in the middle of the cave to start listening to the song.

A minigame will then start where you will have to match the movement of your arms and hands to the song. Move your analog sticks to follow their respective circles and make sure that the markers stay within the circles as they move.

There are several patterns to do and you only have three tries to do the entire set right, otherwise you will have to start the entire set from the start.

After completing all of the hand movements, you will then hear the song of the gorge. This is cut short by the sound of more choppers flying by and heading towards a certain location. Priya comes in to report that she picked up RDA chatter telling that they are tracking a certain animal and a flying warrior. She then sends you the coordinates of the creature that they are tracking.
Before leaving the cave, check the container nearby to find the Zeswa Rider Greaves. This concludes the current chapter and you will be rewarded with more Clan Favor, plus 2 skill points.
See next: Chapter 18 – Call to Battle