Battlefield 2042 Specialists Gets Makeover with Upcoming Update

Grittier and more veteran-looking.

DICE will be changing the look of Battlefield 2042 Specialists with the upcoming major update they will release soon.

The upcoming major update will bring in tons of changes to the game including a “refreshed art direction” for the Specialists. This was one of the many criticisms that DICE got from players since the Specialists looked rather clean and have light-hearted behavior, which did not fit the narrative of the game, which was set in a post-climate change apocalyptic world. It was the total opposite.

A new tweet by Lead Community Manager at EA Studios revealed some rendered images of the new look of the Specialists. They have a grittier look with beards and have a more serious face compared to earlier versions. It now has the look of a veteran who has seen warfare.

The upcoming major update will also introduce the refresh map layout for Kaleidoscope. This is the first complete overhaul of the launch maps that was first announced way back in March 2022. More content will be introduced as well.

battlefield 2042 specialists

Battlefield 2042 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A new update will launch next month.

Former News Editor