Big Fin is a rare but challenging crafting material to obtain in Monster Hunter Rise and its expansion, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. It’s used in a variety of the armor sets and a handful of weapons, but it’s only located in one specific part of the map. Read on, and this guide will show you where to find Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise, including the basics on how to farm them, and which monsters drop Big Fins.
What are Big Fins in Monster Hunter Rise?
As stated, this item is a rare crafting resource used in a variety of weapon and armor recipes. It can only be obtained from Delex, which are monsters that can be found in the Sandy Plains.
Where to find Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise

Big Fin can be obtained by hunting a Delex, and players must travel to Areas 9 and 10 of the Sandy Plains in order to find Delexes. Typically, these creatures swim in the sand, though they may burrow underground for a while and then emerge as jumping sand monsters.
How to Farm Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise
If you want to hunt Delexes, the best time to do it is during an Outbreak of Delexes on the Sandy Plains as they are more abundant and may be found in more areas than usual.

Even if there isn’t a Delex Outbreak taking place, your luck could change the moment you set foot on the Sandy Plains; outbreaks there tend to alter every 10 minutes.
Delexes can be exposed and temporarily stunned using Flash or Sound Bomb. Another option is to use a Flashfly, which allows you to blind and stun a monster. Once they are stunned, the quickest way to collect the fins is to strike them with weapons or while riding a Palamute.
How to use Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise
The Big Fin is known for crafting weapons and upgrading one’s materials in the game. Below is the list of weapons and upgrades that the Big Fin can be used by players:
Upgrading Weapons:
- Delex Harpoon I – requires 2 Big Fins
- Delex Sail I – requires 3 Big Fins
Crafting Armor and Buddy Equipment:
- Barroth Coil – requires 2 Big Fins
- Barroth Mail – requires 2 Big Fins
- Makluva Cover – requires 2 Big Fins
- Mizutsune Braces – requires 2 Big Fins
- Somnacanth Coil – requires 1 Big Fin
- Somnacanth Helm – requires 1 Big Fin
- Uroktor Coil – requires 1 Big Fin
- Uroktor Torso – requires 2 Big Fins
- Vaik Greaves – requires 2 Big Fins
- Vaik Mail – requires 1 Big Fin
That concludes our guide on where to find and how to use Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise. If players love this guide, please check out our other Monster Hunter Rise-related guides.