Brandt Gate is one of the nations that specializes in the use of Set Orders that unlock skills that easily control both the field of the owner and his/her opponent. It is one of the big nations to be part of the newest game of Bushiroad for Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days. Read on, and this guide will introduce players to some new and old sample deck builds that they can try out.
Brandt Gate

Known as Star Gate in the past, the nation served as the Star Gate of Planet Cray to visitors from other dimensions. Incorporating the technology of the Planet “Brandt”, it maintains its advanced culture and national power in the new era through its high level of technological development. As stated above, specializes in the use of Set Orders that unlock skills that easily control both the field of the owner and his/ her opponent.
Currently, in Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days, there are 4 archetypes that players can build and try out and each of these builds focuses on a certain playstyle:
- The Aurora Battle Princess Line – Uses Prison Orders, which allow the player to control the opponent’s field by Imprisoning their Units in it, the opponent then must pay costs to get back the imprisoned Units which drain their resources.
- The Cardinal Line – Uses World Orders, which unlock the Dark Night and Abyssal Dark Night to enable the use of Shadow Army Tokens. The World Orders themselves do an action when they are Set.
- The Eva Line – Uses Research Orders, which allows the player to filter through their deck and generate advantage the more of them are set. They are used alongside the Glitter Keyword.
- The Gravidia Line – Accumulates Meteorite Orders en masse to then use them to retire opponent rear-guards or gain resources when a certain amount of meteorites are Set.
Brandt Gate Deck Builds

Seraph (Princess of the Cosmos)
Using Seraph and her legion Aurora Battle Princesses, they will enforce the law and imprison opposing units and give credible power-ups that force players to defend in large quantities.
- Ride Deck:
- Aurora Battle Princess, Seraph Snow (Grade 3)
- Aurora Battle Princess, Risatt Pink (Grade 2)
- Aurora Battle Princess, Kyanite Blue (Grade 1)
- Aurora Battle Princess, Ruby Red (Grade 0)
- Main Deck:
- Aurora Fierce Princess, Seraph Purelight (Grade 4) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Accuse Makarite (Grade 2) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Agra Rouge (Grade 2) x4
- Hyper Speed Robo, Chevalstud (Grade 1) x 4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Suppress Cleaner (Grade 1) x4
- Violate Dragon (Grade 1) x4
- Galaxy Central Prison, Galactolus (Set Order) x 2
- Ameliorate Connector (Draw Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Treuse Green (Heal Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Lourus Yellow (Critical Trigger) x3
- Patrol Robo, Dekarcop (Critical Trigger) x4
- Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath (Over Trigger) x1

Eva (The Researcher that Knows All)
Using Eva’s knowledge and skills, she fights together with OBscudeid. The more research you perform, the more your various abilities upgrade!
- Ride Deck:
- Fountain of Knowledge, Eva (Grade 3)
- Smooth Research Progress, Eva (Grade 2)
- An Afternoon Nap Regardless of Place, Eva (Grade 1)
- One Who Craves Knowledge, Eva (Grade 0)
- Main Deck:
- Fountain of Knowledge, Eva (Grade 3) x 3
- Knight of Blackness, Obscudeid (Grade 3) x 4
- Pantarhei Dragoon (Grade 2) x3
- Experiment Successful! (Set Order) x4
- Aiding Monster, Tectien (Grade 2) x4
- Result of The Successful Experiment (Set Order) x4
- Butterfly Diagram Repeater (Grade 1) x3
- Successor of the Variable Star (Grade 1) x3
- Violate Dragon (Grade 1) x4
- Ameliorate Connector (Draw Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Treuse Green (Heal Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Lourus Yellow (Critical Trigger) x3
- Patrol Robo, Dekarcop (Critical Trigger) x4
- Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath (Over Trigger) x1

Cardinals (The Scythe-wielding Hexahedron)
Unleashing a new power of Orfist as he takes on a new form. The new Orfist deck expands on the strategies of utilizing Set Orders! Just like before, colour the world in black and reveal the abyss of space!
- Ride Deck:
- Cardinal Dominus, Orfist Regis (Grade 3)
- Cardinal Noid, Cubisia (Grade 2)
- Cardinal Noid, Routis (Grade 1)
- Cardinal Fang, Phovi (Grade 0)
- Main Deck:
- Cardinal Dominus, Orfist Regis (Grade 3) x3
- Aiding Monster, Tectien (Grade 2) x4
- Cardinal Fang, Dadai (Grade 2) x4
- Cardinal Noid, Thumborino (Grade 1) x4
- Detonation Monster, Bobalmine (Grade 1) x4
- Overcoming an Eternity (Set Order) x4
- Hollowing Moonlit Night (Set Order) x4
- Violate Dragon (Grade 1) x4
- Ameliorate Connector (Draw Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Treuse Green (Heal Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Lourus Yellow (Critical Trigger) x3
- Patrol Robo, Dekarcop (Critical Trigger) x4
- Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath (Over Trigger) x1

Gravidia (Visitors from Another Dimension)
Summon the power of meteors and increase your vanguard skills and at the same time retire opposing rear guards that block your way.
- Ride Deck:
- Gravidia Nordlinger (Grade 3)
- Gravidia Barringer (Grade 2)
- Gravidia Wells (Grade 1)
- Gravidia Dellen (Grade 0)
- Main Deck:
- Gravidia Nordlinger (Grade 3) x3
- Gravidia Bacubirito (Grade 3) x4
- Gravidia Marut (Grade 2) x2
- Gravidia Shergo (Grade 2) x2
- Gravidia Peters (Grade 1) x3
- Violate Dragon (Grade 1) x4
- Neatness Meteor Shower (Set Order) x8
- Falling Hellhazard (Set Order) x4
- Cardinal Draco Barbizonde (Critical Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Treuse Green (Heal Trigger) x4
- Aurora Battle Princess, Lourus Yellow (Critical Trigger) x4
- Cardinal Draco, Enpyro (Front Trigger) x3
- Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath (Over Trigger) x1
And that’s our guide for the Best Brandt Gate Deck Builds in Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days. Read our latest review of the game and check out our other Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days articles below to get more info about it:
- Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days: Best Dragon Empire Deck Builds
- Cardfight Vanguard DD DLC Set #1 Announced
Also check out Wslaher’s gameplay video walkthrough on Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days: