In Deathloop, As Colt, you will be needing a ton of weapons especially legendary weapons to break the time loop. In this guide, we will give players info about what are the Deathloop Legendary Weapons and Where to Get Them in Deathloop.
How many legendary weapons are in Deathloop?
In Deathloop, there are a total of four Legendary Weapons that can be acquired through a variety of unique methods. These methods are documented in the player’s sidequests also known as Arsenal Leads.
What Are The Deathloop Legendary Weapons?
- Constancy Automatic
- Sepulchra Breiteira
- Strelak Verso
- Heritage gun
Legendary weapons are gold-tier guns in Deathloop. They are very hard to get. Each of these weapons is really strong that no one can stop you from doing anything from breaking this crazy time loop. There are 4 legendary weapons found in the game and below is the list of what they are and how to unlock them.

Constancy Automatic
The Constancy Automatic is a one-handed SMG with a sleek white finish that defies the laws of physics literally. It has a unique dual-magazine system that allows it to be reloaded while firing. Personally, one of my favorite weapons to use in the game speaks the line, “Shoot First, Ask Questions Later.”
How to get the Deathloop Constancy Automatic
- Complete the All Night Long Arsenal Lead.
- Location: The Constancy Automatic can be looted from Frank Spicer’s corpse inside his club at Fristad Rock in the Morning.
- The Constancy Automatic can be randomly dropped by Julianna Blake.

Sepulchra Breteira
The Sepulchra Breteira is a legendary weapon that is a non-suppressed sniper rifle and one of the four unique guns found in Deathloop. This weapon can do an instant kill when aiming further. Perfect weapon to use to kill off enemies from a distance, especially against the Visionaries.
How to get the Deathloop Sepulchra Breteira
- Completing the Keep On Giving Arsenal Lead.
- Location: Found at Updaam in the Afternoon, an Eterrnalist will announce that they left a present located near your apartment. The giant present will have a lever and upon pulling it, an ambush will occur. Wipe them off and afterward, head to the bakery and the weapon will be found.
- The Sepulchra Breteira can be randomly dropped by Julianna Blake.

Strelak Verso
The Strelak Verso is a dual-wield handgun with a burst-rifle mode. It has two modes that are interchangeable. The 1st one is a 2-round burst dual handgun and the 2nd one is a 4-round burst rifle. A perfect weapon with no limitations at all. In battles, this weapon has perks that make Eternalists run for their lives.
How to get the Deathloop Strelak Verso
- Complete the In This Together Arsenal Lead.
- The Strelak Verso can be randomly dropped by Julianna Blake.
- The Strelak Verso can also be unlocked with its Ever After skin by joining the Arkane Outsiders group. Note that this gun version will not spawn with a perk.

Heritage Gun
The Heritage Gun is a shotgun with rifle mode. It has two modes that are interchangeable. The 1st one shoots an accurate slug while the 2nd mode is a horizontally leveled buckshot. A multi-type weapon that is very different from other shotguns. This weapon makes players experience what it means to be part of riot control during protests.
How to get the Deathloop Heritage Gun
- Complete the Super Shifty Arsenal Lead.
- The Heritage Gun can be randomly dropped by Julianna Blake.
To see all of the Deathloop Guides and other related articles, check them out here below:
- Deathloop Trophy Guide and How to Get Platinum
- Deathloop Guide: The Complete Weapons List and the Best Ones
- Deathloop Updaam Combination Location Guide
- Deathloop – Review
Check out this video guide by Shadow to see all the Deathloop’s legendary weapons and how they work in the game