Destiny 2 Twilight Oath God Roll: Best PvP & PvE Perks

An unexpectedly good reprised sniper

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Twilight Oath is a Solar rapid-fire sniper rifle that’s part of the reprised Dreaming City weapon set. Rapid-fire snipers are in an interesting spot in Destiny 2, currently. Not too long ago, snipers in general received a PvE damage buff, and rapid-fires had the most to gain from it due to their high rate of fire. Better still for Twilight Oath is the fact that it is a Solar sniper and anything Solar is literally a hot commodity this long season.

I did not doubt that Twilight Oath was going to do some good in PvE. What I didn’t expect was how good it was when Precision Instrument was active. I’m talking about a difference in the 10s of thousands range with only 2-3 stacks of the perk. I’m not saying that we should dump rocket launchers over it, it’s just good to know that snipers are carving out a nice niche for themselves in at least higher-tier content.

When it comes to PvP, there’s no better judge of a sniper’s quality other than yourself. I happen to like the Twilight Oath despite getting my preferred roll. I learned that the weapon performs better in the middle of fights as opposed to mid to long range as any sniper should. But we’ll get back to that point further down the article.

How to get Twilight Oath in Destiny 2

Reprised Dreaming City weapons, like Twilight Oath, are mostly obtained from the secret treasure chests in the corridor sections of the Coil. It might take you a while to get the rolls you want considering that the chests contain all seven weapons from the Dreaming City set plus a few Wishing weapons on top of it. But the perk pool is focused enough that you can start experimenting with a couple of good rolls on hand.

The weapons from the Dreaming City set cannot be crafted and thus do not have red border drops. Unlike the reprised Undying weapon set.

Best Twilight Oath PvP God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • 2nd Column: Accurized Rounds
  • Range Masterwork
  • Targeting Adjuster
  • Opening Shot + Snapshot
  • Surplus + Snapshot

In my humble opinion, Snapshot + Opening Shot is still the way to go even with this sniper rifle. But you won’t be sitting at the back of the map, waiting for a Guardian to walk into your reticle. I believe the best way to use this sniper is to take a more proactive approach. Sounds crazy, right? But consider this. Twilight Oath has a low zoom value of 35. Compare that to the IKELOS sniper which has a zoom of 45. The low zoom allows you to track targets in a relatively short range while benefitting from the archetype’s high aim assist at short range.

Furthermore, rapid-fire snipers don’t perform well at long ranges. They lose a lot of aim assist when the target is far away. This is the total opposite of Aggressive frames that are meant to shoot from extremely long ranges.

When considering this weapon’s rolls for PvP, you’ll want to 1st and 2nd column perks that give you range. Snapshot and Surplus give so much in the way of handling that you don’t need to spec into it. Remember, rapid fires are not able to kill with two body shots that easily. Investing in range will help you secure the kill.

Best Twilight Oath PvE God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Chambered Compensator
  • 2nd Column: Appended Mag (Steady Rounds as an option)
  • Range Masterwork
  • Major Spec Mod
  • Enlightened Action + Precision Instrument
  • Envious Assassin + Precision Instrument

There are a couple of things that greatly inflate Twilight Oath’s stock in PvE this season. The most obvious is all the Solar Artifact mods for the season, particularly the one that grants your character Radiant with precision shots. The other is Precision Instrument. The more I use this perk, the more I like it on sniper rifles. You don’t see a dramatic increase in damage with scout rifles but with sniper rifles, follow-up precision shots shoot up over 10K in damage. Throw in Radiant and you have damage numbers going well over 60-70k in some cases.

I prefer an Envious Assassin roll for Twilight Oath. You can lay on the trigger for an extended period and you don’t have to give a second thought to reloading. The Enlightened Action roll I have right now has grown on me. I like the fast reload speed and handling it brings. It’s a bit excessive but it does help to get back to damaging bosses even faster.

When considering a possible PvE roll, you might want to look for something with high stability. Stability helps settle the scope on target in between shots. Usually, when I use Enlightened Action and Envious Assassin, I prefer magazine perks to push the mag to its limit. The problem here is that rapid fires don’t go beyond 7 bullets in the magazine, regardless of the perks or mods you have equipped. That’s why you can freely go for Appended Mag in the 2nd column. If you don’t fancy the mag perks, you can for Steady Rounds.

How good is the Twilight Oath?

Twilight Oath is the dark horse pick from the entire set. I wasn’t expecting to like it so much in PvP and that’s what probably made all the difference in forming my opinion of the weapon. It is probably worth keeping a couple of good rolls at least until the end of the season sometime later this year.

The closest weapon I can compare Twilight to is the IKELOS sniper rifle. The IKELOS has better stats overall but its perk pool is not as good as the Twight’s. That’s ultimately a good thing though. Since there is little in the way of overlap, I can have them around as interchangeable weapons. (I think the IKELOS has a slight edge in PvP.)

These are the Twilight Oath base stats before any perks are applied:

  • Impact: 55
  • Range: 27
  • Stability: 36
  • Handling: 65
  • Reload Speed: 58
  • Zoom: 35
  • Rounds Per Minute: 140
  • Magazine: 5

Twilight Oath’s perk pool is relatively deep for a sniper rifle. Apart from the god rolls of the weapon, you can go for Heal Clip + Incandescent roll for crowd control and a Killing Wind + Kill Clip roll for PvP. This might be the only weapon that I see making use of the High Ground perk. The perk itself is strong on paper with a damage increase greater than Vorpal Weapon and 6x Precision Instrument. The problem is getting to your spot before the damage phase is over. If there is high ground for you to take advantage of, to begin with.

3rd Column Perks:

  • Opening Shot
  • Surplus
  • Killing Wind
  • Heal Clip
  • Enlightened Action
  • Envious Assassin

4th Column Perks:

  • Snapshot Sights
  • Vorpal Weapon
  • Kill Clip
  • High Ground
  • Precision Instrument
  • Incandescent

And that’s everything I have for this Twilight Oath God Roll guide. The sniper is a great multipurpose weapon but you don’t need to go out of your way to get one right away. I just happen to love snipers in Destiny 2 and I am fully aware that when it comes to snipers, it’s all about the feel of the weapon and not necessarily its functionality. But if you love rapid-fire snipers, this is one of the better ones to come out lately. Good luck and have fun out there, Guardians.

Check out our list of reprised Dreaming City god rolls:

Senior Editor