Destiny 2 Uzume RR4 God Roll: Best PvP & PvE Perks

Destiny 2 Uzume RR4 God Rolls Guide Featured Image

It’s been a couple of years since the Uzume RR4 graced us Guardians with its presence. If you listen to the seasoned vets, you’d hear them singing its praises as a must-have weapon back in the day. Well, it’s about to be 2024. Will it make a glorious return as Rose or Trust? Or will it be a relic of the past trying to hold on to some semblance of relevancy? Let’s go find out.

This is the first time I’ve acquired the Uzume RR4 in my collection. My first impression of the weapon is that it’s not bad for an Omolon sniper. The square scope design feels as good as ever. However, I’m not a fan of the white dot at the center. I’m more accustomed to red dots so I tend to lose track of this one from time to time. Some players will grow to like it, much like how some players got used to the Comp sniper’s ridiculously small white dot.

How to Get Uzume RR4 in Destiny 2?

Players can get a random roll of the Uzume RR4 at the end of the Nightfall it is featured in. At the Hero entry level, you have a moderate chance of getting that week’s featured weapon. You can increase the odds by getting a higher score and killing all the champions in the instance. Master Nightfalls offer an even greater chance of getting multiple rolls of the weapon. Completing a Grandmaster Nightfall gives you access to the Adept version and unlocks Adept mods for that weapon.

Best Uzume RR4 PvP God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Fluted Barrel
  • 2nd Column: Accurized Rounds
  • Range Masterwork
  • Quick Access Sling Mod
  • Snapshot Sights + Golden Tricorn

This roll has range in mind. The idea is to get a quick pick and then follow up with a juiced shot for a faster second kill. There’s nothing too fancy about this roll. It’s simple yet effective.

  • 1st Column: Fluted Barrel
  • 2nd Column: Steady Rounds
  • Handling Masterwork
  • Targeting Adjuster Mod
  • Snapshot Sights + Explosive Payload

This roll has Explosive Payload as the primary perk. For those who don’t know, Explosive Payload is a peculiar perk that allows you to bypass damage falloff as the explosions act as a hit-scan at the point of contact. This leaves you open to focus on the sniper’s Handling stat. The higher Stability and Handling will allow you to shoot two rounds with relative ease.

Since the Uzume RR4 is an adaptive frame Solar sniper, it is only right to compare it to the best-in-class sniper in the energy slot, the Beloved. To me, it’s not even a contest. The Beloved wins hands down, even with the fact that both snipers can run Snapshot Sights. The Beloved feels that much better to use.

I could take the time to learn the Uzume’s quirks. But that’ll involve getting a 5/5 god roll. And I’m not sure if I want to go through the trouble of getting that god roll. A sniper’s sole value rests on its ability to click heads in PvP, I’m not even sure if the Adept version means that much more.

At the end of the day, if you love the Omolon archetype and the square scopes, you’ll no doubt love the Uzume RR4. And with snipers taking “feel” into consideration, it’s just one thing that you’ll have to try before you commit to the god roll. Otherwise, there’s Beloved waiting on the sidelines.

A special shout-out to the Discord trait. A niche perk that has saved me from a few sticky situations. And if I’m not mistaken, you can get more value with it in Check Mate.

Best Uzume RR4 PvE God Rolls

  • 1st Column: Fluted Barrel
  • 2nd Column: Flared Magwell
  • Reload Speed Masterwork
  • Backup Mag Mod
  • Clown Cartridge + Precision Instrument
  • Fourth Time’s The Charm + Precision Instrument
  • Fourth Time’s The Charm + Vorpal Weapon

For the PvE god roll of the weapon, you won’t have to look beyond Precision Instrument and Vorpal Weapon. Precision Instrument damage stacks as long as you are landing shots. Precision shots also count toward the stack. Usually, you won’t go beyond 4-5 stacks as they disappear while you reload. But you can go the cap of 6x if you have Clown Cartridge in the 3rd column. You can also go with Appended Mag to get a similar effect.

How good is the Uzume RR4?

The Uzume RR4 is good. Not the best. Not a must-have weapon that can carry you through dungeons and raids. I don’t even know if any legendary sniper can get the job done reliably during damage phases. Maybe in the future, that might be the case. Just in case, keep a good roll of the Uzume in your vault. You never know when Bungie will buff snipers in PvE again. At least the Uzume is specifically tailored for the task by looking at its multiple Origin Traits.

I believe the Silicon Neuroma is the better play. You can get a roll from Zavala in exchange for 5 Vanguard Engrams and 25K Glimmer. The same goes for the Luna Regolith III to a certain extent.

These are the Uzume RR4 base stats before any perks are applied:

  • Impact: 70
  • Range: 60
  • Stability: 48
  • Handling: 46
  • Reload Speed: 45
  • Zoom: 50
  • Rounds Per Minute: 90
  • Magazine: 4

Apart from oddities like Attrition Orbs and Deconstruct, the rest of the perk pool is solid. There is a greater emphasis on magazine reloads and higher damage. You can do some real damage in PvE with the right combinations and abilities.

3rd Column Perks

  • Discord
  • Attrition Orbs
  • Clown Cartridge
  • Lead From Gold
  • Fourth Time’s The Charm
  • Snapshot Sights

4th Column Perks

  • Deconstruct
  • Explosive Payload
  • Vorpal Weapon
  • Golden Tricorn
  • Precision Instrument
  • Incandescent

And all I’ve got for this Uzume RR4 god roll guide. Snipers are still a ways from being a standard pick in PvE. But they’ve come a long way from being an exclusive PvP weapon and occasional fun pick in mid-tier content. I’m not sure what the long-term plan with PvE snipers will ultimately play out. Bungie dislikes the idea of players sitting at the back of the map. Throws encounter balancing out of the window. At the very least, we’re not too far away from a happy medium. Good luck and have fun out there, Guardians.

Senior Editor