Destiny 2 Wishing All The Best Seasonal Quest Walkthrough

Season 23 seasonal quest details

Destiny 2 Wishing All The Best Season Quest Walkthrough Featured Image

Last season, Eris Morn severed Xivu Arath’s connection from her Throne World. Now that the Hive God of War is vulnerable, the Vanguard can turn their attention to the clue Savathun left behind before she was allowed to escape. The Season of the Wish sees the return of a once-hated foe, Riven. It tells the story of how the Guardian was able to convince Riven to give up the Ahamkara’s final wish: a means to pursue the Witness inside the Traveler.

In this guide, I’ll tell you all the quest steps needed to complete Season 23’s seasonal quest as well as the story info that goes into every step. If you’ve come in later after all the quest steps have been revealed, you can complete the whole seasonal quest in one go. Now, let’s go over what you need to do to start Destiny’s final seasonal quest.

How to Start the Wishing All the Best Quest in Destiny 2

After you’ve logged into Destiny 2, your active character will automatically begin the ‘Final Wish’ quest. This quest requires your Guardian to do a ‘Smash and Grab’ at the sight of Riven’s land stand. Your objective is to retrieve the Ahamkara’s tooth so that Mara’s Techeuns can bind the Wish Dragon’s spirit to this realm of existence if only for a short time. Barring your progress are forces of the Sol Divisive who have entrenched their positions around Riven’s remains.

The mission ends with the Spirit of Riven refusing to grant Savathun’s wish. Queen Mara had to strike a bargain to ensure Riven’s cooperation. We are to secure Riven’s last remaining clutch and save the Ahamkara from extinction. With the bargain struck, our Guardian returns to the H.E.L.M. to speak with Riven and thus begins the ‘Wishing All The Best’ seasonal quest.

Destiny 2 Wishing All the Best Quest Steps

There are 55 steps in Destiny 2’s final season, Season of the Wish. The story sequences are spread across 7 weeks with various sections tasking the player to embark on missions within the Dreaming City. At the end of each cluster of missions is an egg that needs to be retrieved to appease the Spirit of Riven to give her reason to grant us her fifteenth and final wish. But beyond the quest to secure Riven’s clutch, we are given hints of future content. Conversations between our allies and Riven herself to foreshadow events for upcoming filler content leading up to and beyond the Final Shape.

Week 1 Quest Steps

Step 1: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Speak to Riven to learn the location of her last clutch of eggs.

Step 2: Search for Riven’s eggs in Riven’s Lair

  • Objective: Riven’s Lair completed (Seasonal Activity)
  • Info: Riven believes she knows the location of her eggs. Enter Riven’s Lair and retrieve them.

Step 3: Speak with Petra at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: Petra is ready to relay the Techeuns’ findings.

Step 4: Complete Blind Well runs in the Dreaming City. Higher-tier completions reward additional progress

  • Objective: Complete runs of Blind Well. (Tier 3 runs count for roughly 50% progress.)
  • Info: Move the Ley Lines into position by completing the Blind Well activity in the Dreaming City.

Step 5: Complete the mission “Polysemy” and retrieve Riven’s egg

  • Objective: “Polysemy” completed
  • Info: With the Ley Lines in position, enter Riven’s Lair to recover an egg.

Step 6: Listen to Mara and Osiris in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Mara and Osiris’s conversation observed
  • Info: Mara, still reluctant to trust Riven, seeks alternate solutions from Osiris.

Step 7: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: You have acquired the first Ahamkara egg, but there is still more to accomplish.

Step 8: Mava Sov will call upon you once the Techeuns have calculated the location of another Ahamkara egg. Until then, continue to defend Riven’s Lair against trespassers

“Mara’s Techeuns continue to calculate the trajectory of Riven’s clutch as they move between realities. Buy them time by continuing to defend Riven’s Lair against incursions.”

Week 2 Quest Steps

Step 9: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited.
  • Info: Riven eagerly awaits your arrival, so that she can deliver good news.

Step 10: Complete the mission “Tautology” in Riven’s Lair

  • Objective: “Tautology” completed
  • Info: Delve back into Riven’s Lair and retrieve a second egg.

Step 11: Speak with Petra at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: Before any more eggs can be retrieved, Petra has a task for you.

Step 12: Complete the Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector in the Dreaming City

  • Objective: Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector completed
  • Info: The Techeuns require a Starlight Lodestone, acquired from within the Chamber of Starlight.

Step 13: Meet with Crow and Petra

  • Objective: Crow and Petra’s discussion observed
  • Info: Crow and Petra are grappling with the current situation.

Step 14: Speak with Osiris at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: Osiris has an update on his investigations of the Veil.

Step 15: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven wishes to discuss your progress.

Step 16: Mava Sov will call upon you once the Techeuns have calculated the location of another Ahamkara egg. Until then, continue to defend Riven’s Lair against trespassers.

“Mara’s Techeuns continue to calculate the trajectory of Riven’s clutch as they move between realities. Buy them time by continuing to defend Riven’s Lair against incursions.”

Week 3 Quest Steps

Step 17: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven has another lead for you.

Step 18: Calibrate the Starlight Lodestone by completing pathways and Wishing Glass Shards as a fireteam in The Coil. Find Wishing Glass Shards by defeating combatants, destroying pots, and opening hidden chests

  • Objective: Complete a full run’s worth of The Coil activity while collecting glass shards from various sources.
  • Info: Delve into The Coil to finish preparing The Starlight Lodestone.

Step 19: Speak with Petra at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: With the Lodestone attuned, Petra has an additional task for you.

Step 20: Complete “The Oracle Engine” mission in the Spire of Keres to facilitate communion with the Harbinger

  • Objective: “The Oracle Engine” mission completed
  • Info: Petra has sent you to the Spine of Keres, where the Oracle Engine awaits.

Step 21: Complete the mission “Enthymeme”

  • Objective: “Enthymeme” completed
  • Info: Mara’s Harbinger is guiding the clutch within reach. Now is your opportunity to save another of Riven’s eggs.

Step 22: Observe the exchange in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Mara and Crow observed
  • Info: Riven’s appearance must be challenging for Crow. He and Mara need a chance to talk things out.

Step 23: Speak with Osiris at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: Osiris has an update to give on his investigations into the Veil.

Step 24: Speak with Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven has her own perspective on the Sov siblings.

Step 25: Mava Sov will call upon you once the Techeuns have calculated the location of another Ahamkara egg. Until then, continue to defend Riven’s Lair against trespassers.

“Mara’s Techeuns continue to calculate the trajectory of Riven’s clutch as they move between realities. Buy them time by continuing to defend Riven’s Lair against incursions.”

Week 4 Quest Steps

Step 26: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven has another lead for you.

Step 27: Complete the mission “Apophasis”.

  • Objective: “Apophasis” completed
  • Info: Another egg is approaching. It’s time to enter Riven’s Lair and bring it home.

Step 28: Speak with Crow in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Crow visited
  • Info: The Vex stole away the egg before it could be secured, but Crow thinks he’s got a lead on where they’ve brought it.

Step 29: Complete the Exotic mission “Starcrossed”

  • Objective: “Starcrossed” completed
  • Info: Crow’s tracked the egg to the Black Garden. Crow’s been there before, and he’ll serve as guide for the journey.

Step 30: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven has been reminded of Taranis, and of the risks of an Ahamkara granting their own wish.

Step 31: Mava Sov will call upon you once the Techeuns have calculated the location of another Ahamkara egg. Until then, continue to defend Riven’s Lair against trespassers.

“Mara’s Techeuns continue to calculate the trajectory of Riven’s clutch as they move between realities. Buy them time by continuing to defend Riven’s Lair against incursions.”

Week 5 Quest Steps

Step 32: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven summons you back to her side on an urgent matter.

Step 33: Complete the mission “Synchysis”

  • Objective: “Synchysis” completed
  • Info: Taken corruption is seeping into the Confluence from a breach in Eleusinia.

Step 34: Speak with Mara Sov in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Mara Sov visited
  • Info: The egg has been corrupted, but Mara has an idea for how it might be cleansed.

Step 35: Complete an Ascendant Challenge

“You must be Ascendant to see and enter the Ascendant Challenge portal. Consume a Tuncture of Queensfoil to become Ascendant for 30 minutes. Petra Venj keeps a stock of Tinctures on hand for situations like these.”

  • Objective: Ascendant Challenge completed
  • Info: Mara directs you to the Ascendant Plane to find a coalescence of Taken essential, which could be used to cleanse the egg.

Step 36: Speak with Petra at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: With the Taken essentia in hand, it’s time to return to Petra.

Step 37: Complete pathways in the Riven’s Lair or The Coil to cleanse the egg

  • Objective: Complete 2-3 loops of The Coil activity
  • Info: Enter Riven’s Lair to gather paracausal energy to cleanse the egg.

Step 38: When theories change, plans must change with them. Riven is about to discuss one such change with Mara and Osiris

  • Objective: Conversation with Riven observed
  • Info: Riven, Mara, and Osiris are discussing the path to the Witness. It would be good to listen in.

Step 39: Speak with Osiris at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: Osiris has an update on his research into the Winess that he is eager to share.

Step 40: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven is ready to admit some reluctant gratitude.

Step 41: Mava Sov will call upon you once the Techeuns have calculated the location of another Ahamkara egg. Until then, continue to defend Riven’s Lair against trespassers.

“Mara’s Techeuns continue to calculate the trajectory of Riven’s clutch as they move between realities. Buy them time by continuing to defend Riven’s Lair against incursions.”

Week 6 Quest Steps

Step 42: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: The final egg has been located, but it can’t be reached without preparation.

Step 43: Speak with Crow in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Crow visited
  • Info: Only one person can go through the portal to the Witness. But Crow’s got an idea on how to handle that if you’re willing to listen.

Step 44: Speak with Petra at the holoprojector

  • Objective: Holoprojector visited
  • Info: The final egg lies in a part of the Confluence that can be reached only through the Oracle Engine, which is currently blockaded by the Vex. You’ll need to take them down and restart the Engine.

Step 45: Defeat combatants and destroy Vex Oracles in the Spine of Keres, Harbinger’s Seclude, and Gardens of Esila

  • Objective: Spine of Keres restored, Harbinger’s Seclude restored, Gardens of Esila restored
  • Info: Before you can make an offering to the Oracle Engine and access the final egg, you’ll have to bring it back into operational condition. Destroy the Vex Oracles blocking access to the Oracle Engine.

Step 46: Complete Blind Well runs in the Dreaming City. Higher-tier completions reward additional progress

  • Objective: Complete Blind Well runs. Two Tier 3 runs are more than enough.
  • Info: Receive an offering to the Oracle from the Blild Well to gain access to Mara’s throne room and the final egg.

Step: 47: Visit Mara’s throne

  • Objective: Mara’s throne visited.
  • Info: The Spine of Keres holds a portal to the Queen’s throne room. Meet with Mara there to discuss the final egg.

Step 48: Crow has a plan. Visit the H.E.L.M. to hear what Mara and Osisris have to say about that

  • Objective: Conversation in H.E.L.M. observed
  • Info: Crow’s ready to share his plan, but Mara and Osiris have something to say about it.

Step 49: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: Riven has her own thoughts on Crow and Mara to share.

Step 50: Mava Sov will call upon you once the Techeuns have calculated the location of another Ahamkara egg. Until then, continue to defend Riven’s Lair against trespassers

“Mara’s Techeuns continue to calculate the trajectory of Riven’s clutch as they move between realities. Buy them time by continuing to defend Riven’s Lair against incursions.”

Week 7 Quest Steps

Step 51: Speak to Riven

  • Objective: Riven visited
  • Info: It is time to recover the final egg. Speak to Riven via the portal in the H.E.L.M.

Step 52: Complete the mission “Chiasmus” and retrieve the final egg

  • Objective: “Chiasmus” completed
  • Info: The bargain you have struck with the Spirit of Riven nears completion. Venture into the heart of the Confluence and retrieve the last of the Ahakara eggs.

Step 53: Speak with Crow in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Crow visited
  • Info: With the entire clutch now safely secured, the plan can proceed. Crow has parting words for you.

Step 54: Go to the Wall of Wishes to make the Fifteenth Wish

  • Objective: Wall of Wishes visited
  • Info: All your efforts have led you here. Use the Wall of Wishes to set the with into motion.

Step 55: Speak with Mara Sov in the H.E.L.M.

  • Objective: Mara Sov visited
  • Info: The wish is made, Riven is no more, and Crow has begun his journey into the unknown. Mara Sov wants to speak with you about all that has transpired.

And with that, Crow begins his journey through the unknown as we wait with baited breath for the signal to break the metaphorical door down. All that’s left now is to hold out for the next 5 months until the Final Shape arrives. Bungie has promised use some filler content around the time Final Shape was supposed to launch. Expect to get small non-connected stories from Petra and others in the coming weeks and months. Have fun out there, Guardians.

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