Blizzard has now revealed the first Diablo Immortal post launch content update.
Diablo Immortal Post Launch Content Highlights
The new details of the post launch content update for this controversial video game just got revealed today and a preview of the upcoming new content in the near future. This will include the Season Two Battle Pass, a new Helliquary Raid Boss, a new weekend event, future content, balance changes, and bug fixes.

Season Two Battle Pass
The first content included in the first post-update is the Season Two Battle Pass: Bloodsworn. It will start on July 7, 2022 at 3 AM server time and will end on August 4, 2022 at 3 AM server time. It will have 40 ranks-worth of challenges and rewards like Legendary Gems, Crests, Hilts, and more.

Two Paid Battle Pass Versions
There will be two paid versions of the Battle Pass for the whole duration of the season: The Empowered Battle Pass and the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass. The prior includes all rank rewards from the free standard Battle Pass, but also has an Empowered track that will add rewards at each rank. It will also include the Bloodsworn Weapon cosmetic, unlocked at rank one, and the thorn-covered Bloodsworn Armor cosmetic unlocked at rank 40.
The Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass will give access to all rank rewards and cosmetics from the Empowered Battle Pass with the Bloodsworn Avatar Frame, Bloodsworn Portal cosmetic, and a ten-rank boost.
New Helliquary Raid Boss
The Helliquary Raid Boss is Vitaath the Shivering Death, which can be found at the Frozen Tundra. This demon is cloaked in frozen wind and can chase players on wings of ice.

Weekend Event
Hungering Moon Weekend Event will task players to complete certain demands which will reward them with Moonslivers, which can be traded for Blessings. After acquiring all seven Blessings, they will be given a random reward. It will start on July 15, 2022 at 3 AM until July 18, 2022 3 AM server time.
Future Content
Blizzard revealed that they are now collecting suggestions and feedback for the game since launch to improve the game. Class Change and more new content will be coming later this month.
Balance Changes for Three Characters
Check out the balance changes coming with the new update.
- Arcane Wind
- Damage increased from 54, 72(fully charged) to 60, 80(fully charged)
- Range increased from 3.3, 5.5(fully charged) to 4.5, 6.5(fully charged)
- Arcane Wind Legendary: Syldra’s Fang
- Damage increased from 57.6 to 60
- Range increased from 5.5 to 6.5
- Lightning Nova (also affects Legendary affixes):
- Damage increased from 25.2 to 34.7
- Multi-hit Damage increased from 70% to 75%
- Exploding Palm
- Damage (non-Explosion) increased from 17.5 to 25
- Range changed from 3.5 (90-degree angle) to 3*4.5 (rectangle)
- Exploding Palm Legendary: Scolding Storm
- Damage (non-Explosion) increased from 17.5 to 25
- Range changed from 3.5 (90-degree angle) to 3*4.5 (rectangle)
- Exploding Palm Legendary: Path of the Present
- Damage (non-Explosion) increased from 19.32 to 25
- Exploding Palm Legendary: Reaching Rebuke
- Damage (non-Explosion) increased from 19.8 to 25
Bug Fixes
Here are the bug fixes for the game:
- Adjusted monster spawn logic to reduce the effectiveness of standing in one place in the Library of Zoltun Kulle and Mount Zavain to farm the same spawn point repeatedly.
- Adjusted the way auto-targeting will work after a player casts the same skill over a sustained duration.
- Updated the ability description of Chip of Stoned Flesh from “Each time you cause an enemy loss of control” to “Each time you cause an enemy total loss of control” to clarify which effects cause the gem to proc.
- Fixed an issue where some class abilities would not play audio.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Resonance and Combat Rating to display as 0.
- Fixed an issue that caused some doorways to block bosses and other large monsters.
- Fixed an issue that would cause crests to be deducted from disconnected party members after an Elder Rift was cancelled.
- Fixed an Armory interaction issue with items from the Warband Stash.
- Fixed multiple issues that would cause characters to fall through the world.
- Fixed an issue that would allow players to enter a Challenge Rift ahead of party members who have higher latency.
- Fixed an issue that caused Resonance to increase when swapping gems through the Stash.
- Upgrade materials and Dawning Echoes will now be properly returned to players after destroying the upgraded or Awakened item.
- Removed the Paragon Level requirements for some quests.
- Fixed an issue where Chests of Glory were not shared with all party members.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from using Primary Attack after being interrupted by enemies.
- Experience Globes will now drop in a smaller radius after killing a monster.
Cycle of Strife
- Fixed an issue with some Shadow Contracts that would immediately fail upon entering the quest zone.
- The Immortal Overthrow buff will now clear upon entering a Challenge Rift.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Immortal to knock players out of the arena during Shadow War.
- Fixed an issue that prevented claiming Shadow Contract rewards.
- Fixed an issue that would cause players to become stuck during some Shadow Contract missions.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the Corvus Expedition from completing.
- If a Dark Clan leader has not selected a Dark Clan objective, one will automatically be selected on Saturdays.
- Adjusted the Battleground preparation UI so that players are properly randomized between attack and defense. Previously, players could determine if they were attacking or defending based on this UI.
- Fixed an issue that would cause players to be put back into queue after entering a Battleground.
- Added a mechanism to prevent players from attacking the Ancient Heart before Phase three has begun.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Lieutenant Ralvar to become stuck.
- Fixed an issue where some quest NPCs may not be interactable after a cutscene.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Unspoken NPC to be invisible to players.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the HUD to become invisible after triggering the Cycle’s End cutscene.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Clan information to be bugged during the end of the Cycle.
- Added an exit button in the Domain of Horror.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Clan invitations.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Quest Tracker to fill with blank entries after exiting the Path of Blood.
- Fixed an issue where some UI modals could not be dismissed.
- Server recommendations will now be based on language selection.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from opening the Battle Pass.
- Fixed camera issues that would occur while fighting Lassal the Flame-Spun.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a black screen when teleporting after upgrading Legendary Gems.
- Fixed an issue where players might get stuck connecting to when interacting with the EULA.
Diablo Immortal is now available on PC, Android, and iOS.