Even though it had a rocky start, Fallout 76 has been steadily gaining traction since then with new content and now it is getting a new roadmap.

Game developer Bethesda Game Studios has revealed the newest 2021 Roadmap for the game, which includes all seasons from Spring to Winter for this year. It is loaded with tons of new content to try out and explore.
In Spring, players will be greeted with the Locked and Loaded update. It will introduce the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts, C.A.M.P. Slots, Mannequins, and the new Daily Ops expansion. Players who have the Bethesda.net launcher can test the new features right now on PTS. Also, Armor Ace returns with a big battle against Commissioner Chaos and the Yukon Five. Season 4 will bring new rewards to the Scoreboard like cosmetics, consumables, and more.
In Summer, Steel Reign will be released and will conclude the story of The Brotherhood. It will introduce new quests, locations, NPCs, and powerful new rewards. Players can also craft Legendary items using Legendary modules.
By Fall, Private Worlds will be introduced. More details will be revealed later on. There is also another expansion to the Daily Ops when this comes down.
Lastly in Winter, it will be the Tales from the Stars. Players will be able to gear up with the new four-star Legendary Weapons and Armor. They can also get their own C.A.M.P. Pet.
There will a Public Challenge where players can fight the Invaders from Beyond, fighting of new foes and earn some new rewards. The Cultists of Appalachia are also up to something sinister in this new Seasonal event called The Ritual. Help the cultists in order to gain some unique rewards.
Fallout 76 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.