Game company Bethesda recently revealed a new content roadmap for online multiplayer video game Fallout 76.
Fallout 76 roadmap revealed
The new roadmap features all of the upcoming content, updates, and features that will be coming to the game this year. Wastelanders was featured on top with all of the new content it introduced to the game.

Aside from that already available content, the game will now get the 76 Seasons, which players can progress through special challenges for a lot of rewards like Atom Bundles, unique cosmetics, Perk Card packs, and many more.
During Summer, players will get to enjoy some new Legendary Perks, the new public teams feature, and a new Legendary Boss Event. During the fall, players will get to experience Steel Dawn and Daily Ops, which will earn players some scaling rewards. There is also the bombs drop event and the season 2 refresh.
In the winter, players will get introduced to Fractured Steel, which will add the Brotherhood of Steel. They are coming back to Appalachia in search of new technology. While it started at Steel Dawn, this time it will introduce new NPCs, quests, and companions. There will be new perk loadouts, C.A.M.P Shelters, and new repeatable missions.
Source: Official Website