The FIFA 23 Web App is a companion application that will help you manage your FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. Along with the web app also has the FIFA 23 Companion App for handheld devices with all the features of the former. This guide will show you all the details regarding the FIFA 23 Web App and its Companion App.
When Is The FIFA 23 Web App Release Date?
The FIFA 23 Web App will go live on September 21, 2022 this Wednesday. This is six days before the game’s official launch date meaning players will get access to the app earlier before FIFA 23 is available.
Players who purchased the FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition will be able to make user of the Web App earlier than everyone else. Since Ultimate Edition owners will get the game by September 23 through Early Access, they’ll be able to experiment with their FUT23 earlier than most.

It should be noted that the FIFA 23 Web App is only available on browsers. This means that desktop users will be able to make full use of it. Those on their phones or tablets will have a more challenging time on their smaller screens with touch control. Thankfully, that’s where the FIFA 23 Companion App will help.
FIFA 23 Companion App Release Date
The FIFA 23 Companion App will release on September 22, 2022 on Thursday. It’s just one day after the Web App launches and a day before the Ultimate Edition owners get their hands on the game.
The FIFA 23 Companion App has all the features and functionality that the Web App does. While you can still access the Web App through your smart phone, it’s far more convenient to just download the companion app instead. It shares the same features with the FIFA 23 Web App so you won’t be missing anything.
What Are The FIFA 23 Web App Features?
Here are the features the FIFA 23 Web App provides:
- FUT 23 Team Management
- Claim rewards from Squad Battles, Division Rivals, and FUT Champs
- Access to Transfer Market to buy and sell players
- Open FUT Packs
- Buy back quick sold players
- Apply consumables
- Complete Squad Building Challenges
You can do everything using the web app for FIFA 23 that you can do in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team except for actually play matches. This can be really useful if you’re on the go or playing on the consoles where you may prefer a more convenient way to arrange your FUT.

That’s all for the FIFA 23 Web App and Companion App. We hope you found this article to be informative. Check out our other FIFA 23 content.
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Check out this Youtube video from FifChief49 who talks about the FIFA 23 Web App.