Guardian Games 2023 “The Champ” Triumph Guide

Guardian Games 2023 Triumph Guide Featured Image

Guardian Games 2023 is back for the fourth year in a row, and the “friendly” games are now focused on Class vs Class action. We have the Supremacy game mode that’ll force us out of cowering behind barricades. The new Taraxippos Scout is also up for grabs, as well as a Season 20 version of The Title SMG. But more importantly, Guardians have three weeks to try and earn the “The Champ” Title and seal.

This guide will tell you everything you can expect in terms of getting the Champ Seal for the three-week annual event.

How to Get Guardian Games 2023 Event Card

To get the Event Card for Guardian Games 2023, you’ll need to talk to our event manager (grandma?) Eva Levante in the Tower. She will give you the event card as well as the Class Item you need to equip to earn progress on your card.

Guardian Games 2023 Triumphs List

There are a total of 20 Triumphs in the Champ Seal collection. But you only need to complete 16 of them in order to claim the new title and seal. And as a friendly reminder, this is an Annual seal. Meaning that progress for this year’s Games will not save and will reset by the time the next Guardian Games rolls out. But you’ll also want to do as many challenges as possible within the three weeks just to be on the safe side.

  • Pull Some Strings – Defeat targets or assist teammates with Strand damage and abilities.
    • Requirements:
      • 1500 Strand final blows
    • Rewards:
      • Enhancement Core
      • Gold Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • In the Cards – Complete Contender and Platinum Cards, which can be obtained from Eva.
    • Requirements:
      • 15 Contender and Platinum Cards completed
    • Rewards:
      • Enhancement Core
      • Gold Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • Good Games – Defeat targets in Supremacy matches or Guardian Games playlists
    • Requirements:
      • 800 Targets
    • Rewards:
      • Enhancement Prism
      • Platinum Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • Up for the Challenge – Complete Guardian Games Ops Nightfalls
    • Requirements:
      • 15 Guardian Games: Competitive Playlist
    • Rewards:
      • Enhancement Core
      • Platinum Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • Classy Arsenal – Defeat targets with Guardian Games weapons
    • Requirements:
      • 200 Targets
    • Rewards:
      • Upgrade Module
      • Legendary Shards
      • Event Ticket
  • Class Pride – Complete Supremacy or Guardian Games playlist activities with special matchmaking.
    • Requirements:
      • 10 activities
    • Rewards:
      • Upgrade Module
      • Event Ticket
  • Bronze – Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards your class standing! HIgher-ranked Medallions contribute more points.
    • Requirements:
      • 100 Class points earned
    • Rewards:
      • Gold Medallion
      • Legendary Shards
      • Event Ticket
  • Silver – Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards your class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions contribute more points.
    • Requirements:
      • 200 Class points earned
    • Rewards:
      • Coronal Bloom
      • Gold Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • Gold – Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards your class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions contribute more points.
    • Requirements:
      • 300 Class points earned
    • Rewards:
      • Enhancement Core
      • Bungie Store Reward
      • Event Ticket
  • Platinum – Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards your class standing! Higher-ranking Medallions contribute more points.
    • Requirements:
      • 400 Class points earned
    • Rewards:
      • Luminous Paragon
      • Enhancement Prism
      • Event Ticket
  • Cloudrunning – Complete activities on Neptune.
    • Requirements:
      • 100 Activities completed
    • Rewards:
      • Glimmer
      • Gold Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • In It to Win It – Earn a Medallion from activity completions, and bank it at the podium in the Tower for rewards and class points!
    • Requirements:
      • Medallion banked
    • Rewards:
      • The Title SMG
      • Legendary Shards
      • Event Ticket
  • Circuit Training – Complete Dares of Eternity, Vanguard Ops playlist activities, or Defiant Battlegrounds.
    • Requirements:
      • 1,200 points earned on Activity completion
    • Rewards:
      • Raid Banner
      • Glimmer
      • Event Ticket
  • Friendly Rivalry – Complete Crucible, Gambit, or Supremacy matches
    • Requirements:
      • 6 matches completed
    • Rewards:
      • Glimmer
      • Gold Medallion
      • Event Ticket
  • Talented Scout – Defeat targets with Scout Rifles.
    • Requirements:
      • 600 Scout Rifle kills
    • Rewards:
      • Taraxippus Scout Rifle
      • Upgrade Module
      • Event Ticket
  • Crest Collector – Earn points in Supremacy by picking up crests from defeated opponents.
    • Requirements:
      • 50 Points earned
    • Rewards:
      • Platinum Medallion
      • Legendary Shards
      • Event Ticket
  • Going the Distance – Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards your class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions grant more points.
    • Requirements:
      • 600 Class points earned
  • Hall of Fame – Complete a Guardian Games Nightfall without dying. Also, complete a match of Supremacy with a score of at least 30.
    • Requirements:
      • “Deathless Ops” mission
      • 30 Supremacy score
  • Record Setter – Complete Platinum Contender Cards. Contender Cards can be purchased from Eva!
    • Requirements:
      • 15 Cards completed
  • Grand Slam – Reach the Platinum score threshold in the Guardian Games Nightfall playlist.
    • Requirements:
      • Platinum score achieved

In its entirety, the Guardian Games’ title is designed to be completed around the time Guardian Games are about to wrap up. There are some Triumphs that you can do relatively quickly but the more demanding ones will take a considerable amount of time. From our experience, it is best to get some games and gradually increase activity during the weekends. We’ve learned the hard way that procrastinating till the last week only leads to pain and suffering.

But if you’re on the god roll grind, you’ll want to get in as many games as needed until you get your desired rolls.

That’s all we have for getting “The Champ” Seal for Guardian Games 2023. Good luck and have fun out there, Competitors!

Check out the official Guardian Games 2023 trailer courtesy of the PlayStation YouTube channel.

Senior Editor