Halo Infinite Head of Creative Joseph Staten Leaves 343 Industries

Another senior executive leaves the studio.

A new report has revealed that Halo Infinite Head of Creative Joseph Staten will be leaving 343 Industries as he rejoins a previous group.

Joseph Staten Rejoins Xbox Once Again

According to Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier via his Twitter account, Staten will be leaving the studio and rejoining Xbox Publishing. Way back in 2020, he left the publishing division to help out with Halo Infinite which was having trouble shipping out to the public. It had some troubles at the start, but it gradually improved along the way.

Staten was involved in the first Halo titles in the early years focusing more on story and characters. In Halo Infinite, he became the project lead of its campaign mode.

Staten’s Departure Coincides with Massive Layoffs

Staten’s departure from 343 Industries actually coincides with the mass layoffs by Microsoft which has now impacted several Xbox studios. According to the report, 343’s Halo Infinite campaign team in particular was hit hard.

The report revealed that approximately 4.5 percent of Microsoft’s 220,000-person workforce got affected by this recent event. It was revealed to be around 10,000 individuals have been laid off.

halo infinite
Joseph Staten

Staten now follows other recent senior executives who have left 343 Industries like Studio Head Bonnie Ross, Multiplayer Creative Director Tom French, and Director of Engineering David Berger.

Former News Editor